Sunday Sound: Heard on 'This Week'

ABC News

Below are some of the notable comments made by the Powerhouse Roundtable Sunday on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." Roundtable guests included James Carville and Mary Matalin, Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, and ABC's George Will and Matthew Dowd.


1. Matalin suggests Clinton example on fiscal cliff.

MATALIN: [Republicans] should either give him 98 percent, let him eat that tax, or they should do what President Clinton proposed, which is - like just extend it for three months and let the new Congress - we have a new Congress.

2. Krugman calls Ryan Budget a 'fake document.' KRUGMAN: But the Ryan budget is full of - is full of magic asterisks, too. It's not a real budget. It's a fake document.

3. Will says Supreme Court doesn't want rulings on gay marriage to resemble Roe v. Wade's. WILL: They don't want to do what they did with abortion. The country was having a constructive accommodation on abortion, liberalizing abortion laws. The court yanked the subject out of democratic discourse and embittered the argument.

4. Will says gay marriage opposition is literally dying. WILL: Quite literally, the opposition to gay marriage is dying. It's old people.

5. Matalin recognizes unmarried heterosexuals, not married homosexuals, as 'greatest threat.' Matalin: …the greatest threat to civil order is heterosexuals who don't get married and are making babies. That's an epidemic in crisis proportions. That is irrefutably more problematic for our culture than homosexuals getting married.

6. Krugman: DeMint as head of the Heritage Foundation is 'taking the think out of the think-tank.' KRUGMAN: This is sort of taking the think out of the think-tank, right? This is - this is turning into a purely political institution.

7. Carville says 90% of Dems want Clinton to run. CARVILLE: The Democrats want her to run. And I don't just mean a lot of Democrats. I mean a whole lot of Democrats, like 90 percent across the country. We just don't - we just want to win. We think she's the best person and shut it down. And that's across the board.

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Rhaina Cohen contributed to this compiling.