Vitter Gets Heat Over Comments on Rubio's Immigration Policy

Joshua Roberts/Bloomberg/Getty Images

There may be a brouhaha brewing between two Republican teams on Capitol Hill after Sen. David Vitter criticized Sen. Marco Rubio for his approach to immigration reform.

In an interview on Laura Ingraham's radio show Wednesday, Vitter, R-La., said Rubio, R-Fla., is being "amazingly naïve" about immigration reform and even called him "nuts" for suggesting an immigration plan introduced by the so-called "Gang of Eight" does not provide a path to citizenship.

"I love and respect Marco. I think he's just amazingly naïve on this issue," Vitter said Wednesday. "This is the same old formula that we've dealt with before, including when it passed in 1986, and that is promises of enforcement and immediate amnesty. And, of course, the promises of enforcement never materialized and the amnesty happens immediately."

"As soon as you give [illegal immigrants] legal status, they are here legally forever, and probably they're citizens pretty darn soon thereafter," Vitter said. "And if Marco thinks no matter what happens or doesn't happen on the enforcement side, that … that's not going to happen, I just think he's nuts."

The next day, a Rubio backer jabbed at Vitter's history.

"David Vitter has done some nuttier things in his life," a source close to Rubio wrote to Politico.

The dig was a reference to the 2007 scandal in which Vitter's phone number appeared on a client list for the "D.C. Madam," who was convicted on federal charges resulting from her operation of a prostitution service in the Washington, D.C.

Spokesmen for Rubio and Vitter did not immediately respond to ABC News' requests for comment.