PM Note: Obama Talks Triggers With Univision, Who's Afraid of 'Marco Rubio's Amnesty Plan?', Do More Women Need Guns?

Univision's @ MariaESalinas : "President Obama told me in an interview he expects immigration reform to be in place before the end of this year."

Obama to Univision on Triggers - "What we don't want to do is create some vague prospect in the future that somehow comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship will happen, you know, manana. We want to make sure that we're very clear that this legislation provides a real pathway.

More here soon -

But first, read this: An Immigration Glossary - Future Flows, E-Verify and STEM Visas… From ABC / Univision's Ted Hesson -

Minnesota Public Radio Reports Obama Headed to Minneapolis to Talk Guns - After his trip to Las Vegas on immigration this week, next week the president will head to Minnesota to talk guns.

The Gun Debate - Today on Capitol Hill, Gabrielle Giffords read a brief statement before her husband squared off with NRA's Wayne LaPierre and other gun rights supporters.

"Speaking is difficult, but I need to say something important," she said. Mark Kelly argued that background checks should have kept a gun out of Jared Loughner's hands. And he said if Loughner had smaller magazines, nine-year-old Christina-Taylor Green would be alive today.

Constitution 'on Its Head' - On the other side, Chuck Grassley said the president's right to live argument turned the Constitution on its head. The constitution, said Grassley, is meant to curb government, not people.

The Essence of the Debate and the Role of Govt - LaPierre said people in Congress can't understand what normal Americans feel because they are surrounded by guards with guns. There has been a discernable shift in the rhetoric supporting gun rights. It is no longer about hunting or about specific guns. The essence of the difference between people testifying today seemed to be that there are people who think the government should work to protect its citizens from people with guns. And there are those who think people should be empowered to protect themselves. It is a matter of divided perspective in this country.

But the most remarkable moment came when Gayle Trotter stared down Sheldon Whitehouse and said he, as a man, could not know what it is like to be a new mother with a baby and feel too small to protect yourself. Guns, she argued, are a great equalizer for women.

As we found out on the website of her group, the Independent Women's Forum, that does not mean equality in all things. Trotter, a tax attorney and only woman on a five-member panel at a gun violence hearing in the Senate this afternoon, argued women need guns to physically defend themselves from larger, stronger male criminals, but she does not think women have any business on the battlefield. . (Sarah Parnass)

Women in combat - @martharaddatz asks Gen. Cartwright (ret.) about women who failed to pass infantry officer course and why that shouldn't change the Pentagon decision.

Meet the New Senator From Massachusetts: William Cowan-William "Mo" Cowan will temporarily fill the Senate seat being vacated by John Kerry and for the first time since reconstruction there are two black senators. (Hartfield)

They're sandbagging reporters at the White House!

Well, there are about ten sandbags outside the press room. Anyway, the weather is weird.

Back to Immigration -

Can Immigration Reform Save GOP? - Analysis from Jordan Fabian, who explores whether passing immigration reform can help Republicans make inroads with Latinos - "Simply put, immigration is a very personal issue for most Latino voters, and they strongly support a bill similar to what's being discussed right now. It's unlikely that Republicans will be able to establish enough credibility among Hispanic voters to break through on issues like the economy and size of government unless they first address immigration."

The Gang is Meeting on Details - "While the exact details of the framework have yet to be agreed upon, the core principles are set. The group met on Tuesday evening in McCain's office to start tackling the parameters of how to measure border security, Schumer said. The meetings alternate between McCain's office and his, he added, as a sign of bipartisanship." (DeRuy)

Meet the Gang of 8 - (Mary McGuire)

Ann Coulter on 'Marco Rubio's Amnesty Plan' - Will other conservatives start to view Rubio's plan like Coulter does? Check this out - "Strangely, some Republicans seem determined to create more Democratic voters, too. That will be the primary result of Sen. Marco Rubio's amnesty plan. IT'S NOT AMNESTY! Rubio's proponents cry. They seem to think they can bully Republicans the way the Democrats do, by controlling the language. Rubio's bill is nothing but amnesty. It isn't even "amnesty thinly disguised as border enforcement." This is a wolf in wolf's clothing."

Chicago Majorette Killed a Week After Performing in Inauguration Festivities

A week after performing at inauguration festivities in Washington, D.C., a 15-year old Chicago girl was shot dead blocks from her school on the South Side in the latest incident of gun violence in the city. (Matthew Jaffe)

Menendez Denies He Was With Dominican Prostitutes-Sen. Robert Menendez's office says he traveled on a plane owned by a Florida physician who is a friend and political donor, but denied that the senator had engaged with prostitutes in the Dominican Republic. Press)

Denver Mayor Does The 'Ray Lewis' Dance-Democratic Mayor Michael Hancock of Denver lost his bet as quickly as his beloved Broncos lost their bid for the Super Bowl, and it was Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake who came out victorious in this rivalrous football bet. (Jilian Fama)

One Less Illinois Gov. in Prison-The state of Illinois will see one less governor behind bars today. Former governor George Ryan, 78, was released from federal prison after serving over five years for corruption. (Jilian Fama)

Obama's Favorability Best Since '09; 2-1 Approval for Inaugural Address-Barack Obama has advanced to his highest personal popularity since his first year in office, and Americans who've formed an opinion of his second inaugural address last week broadly approve of it, the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll finds. (Greg Holyk)