PM Note: 57 Terrible Consequences of Sequester With a Grain of Salt an Immigration Slow Drip - ABC News

PM Note: 57 Terrible Consequences of Sequester With a Grain of Salt an Immigration Slow Drip

Tops Tonight - Jon Karl's report that Senate Democrats are moving to protect a corporate jet tax loophole despite some White House talking points -

'Kid President' Gets a Personal Invite to the White House Easter Egg Roll; The Rest of us Have to Join the Lottery -

There were some real developments on immigration today and we'll get to the latest from Fusion, ABC's joint venture with Univision, in just a sec…

First - 57 Terrible Consequences of the Sequester - In short, according to Chris Good, "Unless a budget deal is cut, the country will be in deep trouble, according to the Obama administration's highest-ranking agency officials."

5. Pest-Infested Crops 47. 1,200 Fewer OSHA Inspections, Potential for More Workplace Deaths 6. Nationwide Meat and Poultry Shortage 24. Higher Risk of Terrorism

The full list (and some background on each) (Chris Good)

A Hefty Grain of Salt from Rick Klein - "The Obama administration seems to be spending far more time warning of the consequences of the sequester - and blaming Republicans for it - than engaging in actual negotiations that would prevent it.

"There are many real consequences of these budget cuts. But the suggestion that the nation will become a nuclear wasteland, with dying workers, open borders, forests aflame, untranslated intercepts that leave us vulnerable to terrorists, with padlocked national parks and hospitals, susceptible to killer hurricanes we're not forecasting, unable to buy chicken or beef even as we're stuck on line forever at the airport, may involve a touch of hyperbole.

"We're talking about cuts on the order of 2.5 cents for every dollar the federal government spends. And if Washington has taught us anything these last few years, it's that lawmakers somehow find a way to prevent the worst from happening - or at least just delay the really bad a bit longer."

Back to immigration... Fusion's Jordan Fabian says there were several bits of news that suggested progress toward a comprehensive immigration bill. And there was one bit of news that could be a serious setback.

The good news for immigration reform:

AFL-CIO, Chamber of Commerce Reach Immigration Deal Business and labor leaders have come to an agreement in principle about one of the thorniest parts of immigration reform - what to do with future flows of immigrant workers.

The joint set of principles is three pronged: 1. That American workers are offered jobs before they go to new immigrants. 2. The creation of a new worker visa. 3. The creation of a new federal bureau that would make determinations about the labor needs in the U.S. (aside - how does creation of a new federal bureau pass the House?) - (Ted Hesson)

Obama Promises Bill, Says His Plan B Didn't Endanger Anything - "I think that most of the proposals being talked about by Democrats and Republicans in the Senate and the House are roughly in the same area that I am," he told Univision San Antonio affiliate KWEX on Wednesday.

When asked about ending the record pace of deportations that have marked his presidency, Obama again shot down the possibility of taking executive action to halt deportations in the midst of negotiations over a bill. He very confidently promised that an immigration bill would pass. "What I can promise is that we are going to get comprehensive immigration reform, but my job is to carry out the laws that are already in place," he said.

Latino Support for Obama on Immigration goes from 28 to 63 percent -

House Republican Opposes Pathway to Citizenship (a WH requirement) - But then there's this bad news for a comprehensive bill. The Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte, told NPR he'd categorically oppose a pathway to citizenship. That's not the middle ground, suggested Goodlatte -

Biden: 'Moral Price To Be Paid for Inaction' on Guns Speaking just over 10 miles away from Sandy Hook Elementary Thursday, Vice President Joe Biden warned Congress that there is a "moral price" that will be paid if action is not taken to prevent gun violence…The vice president praised the families who lost loved ones in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn. for the courage they've shown in the past two months and cited their tenacity as an example for all officials working on stemming gun violence. (Arlette Saenz)

Broadwell's Promotion Put On Hold Because of Investigation An Army spokesman confirms that Paula Broadwell's promotion to become an Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel was put on hold earlier this month. Broadwell was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in August, but it was "revoked in accordance with Army regulation 135-155? says spokesman George Wright. Broadwell remains a Major in the Army Reserve. Army regulations say the Army can revoke an order within six months if there is an investigation. (Luis Martinez)

Montana Bill Would Legalize Roadkill Dining -

Chuck Hagel and Hamas' Fake Friends This week, the dangers of the D.C. rumor mill were laid bare when New York Daily News reporter Dan Friedman posited that he was the unwitting source of a talking point used to bash Obama's embattled nominee to take over as secretary of defense. (Chris Good)

Laura Bush Wants Out of Gay Marriage Ad - (Anjuli Sastry)

And the Oscar Goes to… DC - One thing that all three films got right is their portrayals of the Washington middle man. In all three movies, it was the people in the middle, the bureaucrats, and the middle managers who were getting things done… Deep thoughts on 'Top Line' -

Big Bird's Revenge - It's something of a victory lap for Big Bird. Four months after Mitt Romney famously pledged to cut funding for the large yellow Muppet, Big Bird is dancing in the White House to promote the first lady's healthy living initiative. (Mary Bruce)