Democrats, Republicans Can Agree About One Thing: Nationals' Outfielder Bryce Harper

There's not much the Senate Democrat and Senate Republican leaders agree on these days, but this morning they bonded over the one thing that apparently can bring them together: Bryce Harper.

The Washington Nationals' outfielder last night injured himself when he ran face-first into the fence while trying to catch a fly ball during the fifth inning of a game against the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Forced to leave the game early, Harper received 11 stitches to his chin, enduring minor injuries to his shoulder, neck and knee.

The Senate leaders this morning teamed up to offer a bipartisan round of condolences to the injured hometown D.C. player after saying they were "commiserating" the blow to the team.

"I will talk to his mom and dad to see how he's doing," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said. "He crashed into the wall. He has 11 stitches in his chin. He was knocked out. He hurt one of his shoulders, so we'll see how he is."

Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., asked Reid to also send along his thoughts to the recovering athlete when Reid speaks to his family later today.

"This kid is the most incredible competitor I've ever seen," McConnell said. "This is one thing that leaders on both sides fully agree on. We're hoping Harper has a speedy recovery and is back in the lineup."

Reid has not been shy about his adoration for Nevada-born and raised Harper.

Last summer when responding to Capitol Hill reporters' questions, Reid quipped, "That's a clown question, bro," emulating the infamous words of Harper to a sports reporter weeks before.