Holder 'Not Satisfied' With How Leaks Are Investigated

WASHINGTON - Attorney General Eric Holder told CNN today that he wants to change how the Justice Department handles leak investigations.

The department is embroiled in controversy over its seizure of phone records for Associated Press reporters and offices. Also this month, The Washington Post reported that the FBI suggested Fox News reporter James Rosen may have broken the law, in an affidavit seeking emails from his Gmail account, as the FBI investigated a potential leak of classified information about North Korea.

"We're going to have a real frank, good conversation about this," Holder said, CNN reported. "And I think, we're going to make some changes because I'm not satisfied with where we are."

President Obama has ordered a 45-day review of Justice Department guidelines of how journalists are investigated when the department is probing a leak.

Holder attended a naturalization ceremony for new citizens today and made the comment at the event.

During his speech there, Holder made the case for immigration reform.

"As President Obama has made clear, the time for comprehensive, commonsense immigration reform is now, and the way we treat our friends and neighbors who are undocumented, and the steps that we take to allow an estimated 11 million unauthorized immigrants to earn citizenship, and to move out of the shadows, transcends the issue of immigration status," Holder told the audience.

"It's about who we are as a nation and as a people, it's why my colleagues and I are firmly committed to working with members of Congress to refine and to advance proposals like the bipartisan legislation recently approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee, which will help to make our nation stronger, more secure, and more prosperous," he said.