House Votes to Fully Repeal Obamacare for Third Time - ABC News

House Votes to Fully Repeal Obamacare for Third Time

The House of Representatives voted today to repeal the entire Affordable Care Act, 229-195. This was the third vote for full repeal, and the 37 th overall vote the House has taken to disrupt, dismantle, defund or repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R.-Minn.) called the vote shortly before 6:30 p.m.

Two Blue Dog Democrats, Reps. Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.) and Jim Matheson (D-Utah), voted along with 227 House Republicans in support of the bill.

No Republicans opposed repeal, although five GOPers missed the vote.

In a statement following the vote, House Speaker John Boehner said the vote was "all about jobs."

"The president's health care law is already undermining our economy - employers are cutting workers and cutting hours, costs are going up, and even Democrats are worried the whole thing is headed for a train wreck," Boehner, R-Ohio, stated.

"There are also serious concerns about whether the IRS should be involved in our health care at all, let alone as the law's chief enforcer," he added. "Fully repealing ObamaCare will help us build a stronger, healthier economy, and will clear the way for patient-centered reforms that lower health care costs and protect jobs."

The bill stands no chance of passing in the Senate, or reaching the president's desk.