PM NOTE: Skyfall - Fear the Sequester, Not the Asteroid

The Sky Isn't Falling, Asteroid Edition -

The Sky Didn't Fall, Sequester Edition - Argument: "The threat of the terrible consequences has been the major motivating factor in congressional action, from the debt ceiling fights to the fiscal cliff in December. This time it doesn't seem to have worked. It will make the next major fight, over the debt ceiling, much more interesting, as it remains to be seen whether the threat of harm to the economy will hold as much sway." Abby Phillip's data points are here:

Today's must-watch - Donald Rumsfeld tells Jon Karl, 'I Stand By What I Meant': Donald Rumsfeld worked for three presidents, led the Pentagon twice and, whether you agree with him or not, he has been one of the most controversial figures in recent American history. The debut of his new book, " Rumsfeld's Rules: Leadership Lessons in Business, Politics, War and Life," gives him an opportunity to share the rules by which he has lived his life. Don't confuse those with the words that have come out of his mouth; "I stand by what I meant," he says.

Obama Slams G.O.P Student Loan Proposal as "Not Smart," Urges Congress to Act: At a Rose Garden event surrounded by students today, President Obama pressured Congress to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent on July 1, and he slammed the House Republican's proposal as "not smart." (Abby Phillip)

Yes, George W. Bush's Still Supports Immigration Reform- Fusion's Jordan Fabian - "The Huffington Post's Jon Ward published a great long read on George W. Bush's post-presidency, based on a three-day bike ride with the ex-president and wounded veterans… 'I mean we ought to be doing it. One, it's right. Two, because the system is broken,' Bush said. 'It's a system rife with corruption and the corruption being smugglers bringing individuals to do jobs Americans won't do. And it's, to me it's an inhumane system." Bush also reiterated to Ward that he still believes in a pathway to citizenship.

"Yeah, yeah. That's what I proposed in '07. Yeah, I think there ought to be one," Bush said. "And I think there ought to be conditions."

Dem Senator Tells Bloomberg to Butt Out - Jeff Zeleny: Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, who is among the most vulnerable Democrats running for re-election next year, is fighting back. His first target is not Republicans, but rather New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and President Obama's gun bill.

Immigration's Possible Savior and Probable Punching Bag- As an immigration reform bill heads to the floor of the Senate, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is staking out a position as the guy who can help bargain for Republican votes. The bipartisan legislation will likely only need a handful of GOP votes to gain passage in the Democrat-controlled Senate. But the senators who drafted the bill want to pass it with a strong majority.

His Work Here is Done - Bachmann Opponent Jim Graves Drops Out - Jim Graves, the man who was running against Michele Bachmann in Minnesota's 6 thDistrict until she announced her surprise retirement, has suspended his campaign, effectively pulling out of the race now that he won't have to face off against her. (Shushannah Walshe)

Holder briefs TV honchos on new leak guidelines -

Today's Political Rorschach - Unfair for cars that don't use gas to use roads paid for with gas tax?

Another one - Trustees Say Medicare Exhausted in 2026 - / Or Obamacare helps Medicare?