Beer Summit II? Paul Extends Invite, Christie Too Busy - ABC News

Beer Summit II? Paul Extends Invite, Christie Too Busy

Credit: Timothy D. Easley/AP Photo | Julio Cortez/AP Photo

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., suggested a new way for him and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to sort out their ongoing feud - over an ice-cold beer - but Christie, campaigning for re-election in the Garden State, said he can't squeeze in a brewski with Paul into his schedule.

"We're going to have to patch things up," Paul said in an interview on Fox News' "Your World with Neil Cavuto" today. "If we can sit down, I'm inviting him for a beer - anytime he would like to come down and sit down at the pub right around the corner from the Senate.

"It hasn't been formalized," Paul added. "I just thought of it. So we'll formalize it, we'll put it in writing. But I think we should sit down and have a beer and mend things."

Christie said if he finds himself in D.C. he will "look him up," but suggested that would be unlikely.

"I don't really have time for that at the moment. I'm running for re-election," Christie said in a tense tone this evening in the weekly "Ask the Governor" radio show on New Jersey 101.5.

Besides his focus on running for re-election, Christie said he is busy with the business that "comes on the desk of a governor when you are responsible for actually doing things and not just debating."'

Paul and Christie, both potential Republican presidential contenders for 2016, have engaged in a war of words since last week as the two have criticized each other's stances on issues ranging from national security to pork barrel spending.

In an interview on CNN Tuesday, Paul categorized Christie as the "king of bacon" after the New Jersey governor criticized the Kentucky senator for excessive spending on pet projects for his home state.

On Wednesday, Christie answered back, saying Paul's name calling was "juvenile."

"I didn't call him names, I didn't use any childish like phrases like he did - gimme gimme gimme - I just assume he's using me to get attention," Christie said Wednesday, making it clear he may not want to make up as easily as Paul does.

"And that's fine. He's not the first politician to use me to get attention and he probably is not the last," Christie said. "I'm not offended by Sen. Paul calling me names. I think it's juvenile. I'm not offended by it."

The fight started last week when Christie warned Paul's brand of "libertarianism" is dangerous for the country.