Where Does Your State Stand on 'Obamacare' Implementation? - ABC News

Where Does Your State Stand on 'Obamacare' Implementation?

Washington after the Supreme Court ruled on his health care legislation. States are putting together their new health-care exchanges under the Affordable Care Act, better known as "Obamacare," and all 50 must be up and running by October 1.

Where does your state stand?

The Obama administration has set up a website where visitors can click on a map with information about how the Affordable Care Act will change health care in each state. For the most part, the site promotes improvements brought by the Affordable Care Act and the grant money the states have received.

Tomorrow, President Obama will tout the law in a speech at the White House.

There's good news for the president to tout. On Wednesday, New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that thanks to new competition among insurers, premiums for non-employer health insurance will drop by 50 percent, as ABC's Jonathan Karl reports. State insurance regulators have approved the new rates for insurance plans available on the state's new health-care exchange system.

The news isn't all good. In Ohio, the state Department of Insurance announced last month that the cost of health-care expenses-not just premiums-for non-employer-covered individuals will rise an estimated 88 percent. The department said premiums are expected to rise significantly.