Rand Paul: Questions About Neo-Confederate Ex-Aide a 'Bunch of Crap' - ABC News

Rand Paul: Questions About Neo-Confederate Ex-Aide a 'Bunch of Crap'

(Timothy D. Easley/AP Photo)

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., lashed out at an interviewer today for asking persistent questions about a former aide who in the past espoused pro-secession, neo-confederate views.

"Don't you have something better to read than a bunch of crap from people who don't like me," Paul said on NPR's "On Point" when host John Harwood asked him about being criticized by The Economist for his close associate to former aide Jack Hunter.

Hunter, a former radio shock jock, co-wrote a book with Paul, "The Tea Party Goes to Washington," and was Paul's social media director.

In his radio statements, Hunter advocated for racial pride, opposed Hispanic immigration, and supported the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, according to the Washington Free Beacon, which broke the story.

"If you read through a lot of his things, I think some of the things he wrote or many of the things he wrote were stupid and I don't agree with them, they weren't things I was aware of or reasons why I hired him," Paul said. "He was unfairly treated by the media and he was put up as target practice for people to say he was a racist and none of that's true."

Paul said Hunter "got along fine" with everyone in his office, regardless of their race or religion.

He added that it was "unfair" to suggest that he should be painted with a "broad brush" because of the actions of his former aide.

"That won't make much of an interview if I have to sit through reading after recitation of people calling me a racist," Paul said. "I'm not going to really go through an interview reciting and responding to every yahoo who wants to throw up a canard."