The Note's Must-Reads for Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Note's Must-Reads are a round-up of today's political headlines and stories from ABC News and the top U.S. newspapers. Posted Monday through Friday right here at

Compiled by ABC News' Carrie Halperin, Jayce Henderson, Will Cantine and J.P. Lawrence

IMMIGRATION ABC News' Jordan Fabian: " Rubio: Immigration Reform Better Than Obama Executive Order" Sen. Marco Rubio is warning that President Obama may allow many undocumented immigrants to stay in the U.S. by executive action if Congress fails to pass an immigration reform bill. Rubio (R-Fla.) has remained relatively quiet since he helped pass a major immigration bill through the Senate in June. The legislation would legalize undocumented immigrants in exchange for border security and enforcement provisions. But now he's reviving a message he has sent to conservatives who have criticized his efforts and don't want to see immigration reform pass: Congress can pass a bill with both border security and legalization, or they can sit on their hands and Obama could offer legal status to undocumented immigrants by himself. LINK

The New York Times' Kirk Semple: " Study Offers A Picture Of Young Immigrants Seeking A Reprieve From Deportation" A new study by the Brookings Institution presents what the group calls "an emerging portrait" of young immigrants who have sought a temporary reprieve from deportation under a year-old program that is one of President Obama's signature immigration initiatives. The study shows that the population of applicants, who must be between 15 and 30 years old, is heavily skewed toward the younger end of that spectrum: most were under 21 and more than a third were younger than 19. LINK

The Washington Post's Holly Yeager: " Immigration-Overhaul Advocates Make Big August Push" An unusual alliance of advocates - including Internet moguls and evangelicals, representatives of big business and labor unions - is working across the country during the August congressional recess in an all-out push for immigration reform. The broad effort, which also includes immigrant rights groups, is using diverse tactics, too. There are roundtables and rallies, sit-ins and voter registration drives, as well as expensive radio and television ads. Participants acknowledge that with such a broad coalition, there could be disagreements about the finer points of any eventual legislation. But for now, following Senate approval of a bill that would tighten border security and offer a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, they agree on their goal: getting the House to act. LINK

HILLARY CLINTON Politico's Maggie Haberman: " Hillary Clinton's Next Act: The Family Foundation" Hillary Clinton's next phase of life - the co-leader of a family foundation - has officially begun. She's coming in to her husband's signature foundation, which has been renamed for all three Clintons - their daughter has an increased presence. It's the first time the two elder Clintons, both of whom have led independent careers as political actors, are yoking their careers together doing essentially the same type of work at the same place and at the same time since the 1992 campaign. It also comes after the foundation's first ever internal review, which was driven in part by Chelsea Clinton, officials said. LINK

Bloomberg's John McCormick: " Clinton Answers Republican Messages Before 2016 Primaries" Hillary Clinton, sending her most visible signal yet that she wants her voice heard ahead of a potential 2016 presidential bid, said she plans to deliver a series of speeches this year on various U.S. policy topics. "Confidence in most of our important institutions has fallen to historic lows, even as our need for solid footing in a rapidly changing world has never been greater," the former U.S. secretary of state said yesterday in a speech to the American Bar Association in San Francisco. LINK

SENATE USA Today's Martha T. Moore: " Cory Booker wins Senate primary in New Jersey" Newark Mayor Cory Booker moved a step closer to becoming New Jersey's first African-American U.S. senator Tuesday when voters gave him a wide victory in the Democratic primary. Booker will face Republican Steve Lonegan, former mayor of Bogota, N.J., in a special election Oct. 16. LINK

PRESIDENT OBAMA AND HIS ADMINISTRATION The Washington Times' Dave Boyer: " Obama's 'soft power' policy in a world of hurt" The Obama Doctrine is looking more like a leaky rowboat than an unwavering ship of state in the president's second term. Mr. Obama's foreign policy strategy of "soft power" and reliance on international organizations is suffering setbacks around the globe this year, including from Egypt, Syria, Russia and China. LINK

The Boston Globe's Bryan Bender: " John Kerry draws on old allies for team at State" The State Department's would-be arms control chief, Plymouth native Frank Rose, was once John Kerry's 17-year-old intern. Harvard Kennedy School scholar Sarah Sewell, who was first enlisted for his 2004 presidential run, has been nominated to take the reins of human rights policy. LINK

GUN CONTROL The Wall Street Journal's Cameron McWhirter: " Mississippi Wrangles With Open-Carry Gun Law" In Mississippi, where gun rights have wide support, a legal debate is raging over gun legislation. Gov. Phil Bryant signed an amended law earlier this year stipulating that gun owners don't need a special permit to carry a gun in a holster or carrying case, as long as it is at least partially visible. But a state judge blocked the law, which was supposed to go into effect in July, concluding that it is "unconstitutionally vague" and would allow gun owners "to openly carry weapons anywhere and everywhere." LINK

ABC NEWS VIDEO " Hillary Clinton's Bar Association Speech Sparks 2016 Buzz" LINK

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