Weiner TV Ad: 'Powerful Voices' Oppose Campaign

Credit: Anthony Weiner/Vimeo

With just under a month remaining before the New York City Mayor Democratic primary, Anthony Weiner released his first television ad last night, denouncing "powerful voices" who oppose him.

The ad, in which Weiner speaks directly to the camera, is a clear effort to counter several weeks of bad press that have dogged his campaign.

"Look powerful voices have made it clear from the very beginning they didn't want me to win," he says in the 30-second spot. "But this isn't about what they want. They've gotten their way for far too long."

"If you give me a chance, I will fight for you and your family every single day," he continues.

But a slew of distractions - revelations that he continued sexting women after resigning from Congress, the resignation of his campaign manager, and backlash after he called his opponent "grandpa" as a pejorative - have contributed to Weiner's slide in the polls.

A new Siena College Poll finds that 62 percent of New York City voters think Weiner and former Governor Elliot Spitzer's sordid histories are an embarrassment.

Spitzer, who resigned as governor after getting caught soliciting high-dollar prostitutes in 2008, is running for New York City comptroller.

Both would-be officials suffer from high unfavorability ratings; 59 percent view Spitzer unfavorably and 80 percent view Weiner unfavorably.

Weiner has also gone from being one of the leaders in the race to fourth place according to a recent Quinnipiac Poll.