How Obama Got A 5-Year-Old Out Of Kindergarten


Five-year-old Alanah Poullard had a worthy excuse for missing class. She was at the White House with her veteran father - and President Obama even vouched for it.

Poullard visited the White House Thursday with her father, a wounded serviceman, and other veteran families. To excuse her absence from her kindergarten class, Obama wrote Poullard a note.

Chief Official White House photographer Pete Souza captured the moment and tweeted it on Thursday with the caption, "Pres Obama writes school excuse note for Alanah Poullard, 5, daughter of wounded warrior in East Room today."

The president has made somewhat of a habit of writing excuse notes for some of the students he meets. In June 2009, during a Wisconsin town hall, the president wrote a note for 10-year-old Kennedy Corpus, who missed the last day of fourth grade to see the president speak.

"To Kennedy's teacher - Please excuse Kennedy's absence. She's with me. (signed) Barack Obama," the president wrote.

And in June 2012, he penned a note for 11-year-old Tyler Sullivan, writing, "Please excuse Tyler. He was with me. Barack Obama, the president."