Chris Christie On 2016 Speculation 'It Doesn't Mean Anything To Me' - ABC News

Chris Christie On 2016 Speculation 'It Doesn't Mean Anything To Me'

BRIDGEWATER, N.J. - Just hours before the polls close in New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie stumped at two more diners ending a 46-stop bus tour around the state.

Despite at least one call from a supporter for "some New Jersey attitude in the White House," Christie was coy, telling ABC News, "I like my New Jersey attitude right here."

"It's nice when people say nice things and that's one of them, but you know it doesn't mean anything to me other than they like what I'm doing and maybe they will vote for me today, that's the most important thing," Christie said at a diner in South Amboy Tuesday.

One supporter sitting at the Peterpank Diner counter today didn't just vote for Christie, but urged him to run for president telling Christie, "We need some New Jersey attitude in the White House!"

The candidate- and possible 2016 presidential contender-also stopped at the same restaurant in 2009 during his last election day when he went on to defeat incumbent Democratic governor Jon Corzine. Despite beating his opponent two to one in polling, Christie said he'll "be glad when it's over."

"When you get to the end here you just want it to be over with so I'll feel really good tonight when it's all over, when everybody has voted and they start counting," Christie said. "It's a weird day for a candidate, it really is."

At a second stop at the Time to Eat Diner in Bridgewater, N.J. he told reporters, with a big smile on his face, that he drives his wife Mary Pat "nuts" and his staff "completely crazy" on election days.

"Originally they said we won't work you on Election Day and I said, 'No you have to send me out at least for a little while or I will be driving you crazy,'" Christie said while greeting excited patrons and supporters. "I'll be calling my staff and asking them about turn out, where it's heavy, where is it not, if they can tell."

"I think sometimes they just make it up just to get me off the phone," Christie joked. "So I'll be looking for little signs like that and then ultimately we will get to 8 o'clock tonight, but it's a long slog to 8 o'clock tonight for a candidate."

Like many of his stops during his seven day bus tour he was greeted by supporters eager for a photo or autograph, but just as likely a hug and a kiss from their governor who is visibly slimmer since undergoing weight loss surgery in February.

At the Peterpank Diner today, Christie told CNN he was "more than half way" to his weight loss goal in the eight months since he got lap band surgery.

Christie will celebrate his likely victory tonight in Asbury Park, New Jersey. A nod to his love of Asbury Park's own Bruce Springsteen.