ABC's Crystal Ball: Political Team Reveals 2014 Predictions

Here's what we already know 2014 will bring: More battles in Congress over everything from the budget to gun control, looming questions about how President Obama will shape his legacy in the final years of his presidency and a raucous midterm election season that is sure to include months of drama and surprises.

Here's what we don't know: Will President Obama be able to put the botched Obamacare rollout behind him? Will the House of Representatives move forward with immigration reform? Will Scott Brown launch a campaign for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire? Who will emerge as the leading contenders for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination?

Members of the ABC News political team - Rick Klein, Jeff Zeleny, Jim Avila, Michael Falcone, Shushannah Walshe and Abby Phillip - recently looked into their crystal balls to make some predictions about the year ahead.

Video by Richard Coolidge and Jordyn Phelps.