Senate Poised for All-Nighter on Obama Nominations

Brace yourselves. The Senate might be in for another all-nighter, this time resulting from a fight over nominations.

Senate Democrats and Republicans are at odds over nearly a dozen of President Obama's nominees, on which Republicans are threatening to delay votes in response to Senate Democrats' use last month of the "nuclear option" to change cloture rules on nominations.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid warned of a potentially late-night session on the Senate floor earlier today.

"We'll see how late we have to work tonight," Reid said. "Whatever it is, we're going to do it. We're going to finish these nominations this week. If it goes into Friday, goes into Saturday, that's what we're going to do. We have to get this done."

Unless Republicans and Democrats come to an agreement to yield back post-cloture time on certain nominations, the Senate could be forced to stay in session overnight. The next vote could occur at 1:00 a.m. Thursday on the nomination of Cornelia Pillard to be a U.S. Circuit Judge for the D.C. Circuit.

Following that vote, the Senate could potentially remain in session and proceed to other nominations with another vote scheduled as early as 5:30 a.m. Thursday, a Senate Democratic leadership aide said. The aide also said the Senate could continuously be in session off and on until Saturday until all the nominations are completed, unless an agreement to give back time is reached.

There are still a number of nominations that Reid hopes to complete before the holiday recess in addition to votes on the proposed budget deal and National Defense Authorization Act.

Earlier this year, the Senate stayed in session for Sen. Ted Cruz's nearly 22 hour talk-a-thon in September.