Alison Lundergan Grimes, McConnell Opponent, Out with First TV Ad
(Timothy D. Easley/AP Photo)
Alison Lundergan Grimes, the Kentucky Secretary of State and Democratic candidate for Senate, is out with her first television ad of the 2014 cycle this morning.
The commercial is a positive :30 second spot that focuses on one of Grimes' signature accomplishments, the Military Heroes Voting Initiative. The law she spearheaded last year ensures that soldiers serving overseas would be able to vote more easily, receiving their ballots by Internet but then returning them by regular mail. Grimes' original legislation would have allowed soldiers overseas to cast their ballot using a secure Internet system. The ad is clearly aimed at wooing military families, a crucial group.
The Grimes campaign wouldn't comment on exactly how much they are putting behind the ad, but describe it as a "significant six-figure statewide buy."
The ad, titled "Lost in Battle," begins in the Kentucky statehouse with the narrator saying "change can still happen here" and touting Grimes' work with both Democrats and Republicans on the legislation after returning from a 2012 trip to the Middle East.
The ad features a mother, Lyne Dickey, whose son fought in Iraq and was injured looking at the camera and saying, "I almost lost my son in Iraq. But what upset him most was his ballot being lost in battle. Because of Alison, that will never happen again."
"Washington should work this way," Dickey adds.
It is significant that Grimes has been able to stay off the air this long and essentially save the money she has been fundraising until now in the election cycle. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has been on the air since January, but he is also facing a primary opponent, Matt Bevin. He is heavily favored to beat Bevin later this month and would then face Grimes in the general election.
"The campaign is honored to highlight Alison's accomplishment on this issue that is very close to her heart: helping our men and women in uniform," Grimes senior advisor Jonathan Hurst said in a statement "With Washington paralyzed by partisan gridlock, Alison will be an independent, commonsense problem solver who fights for Kentucky values in the U.S. Senate."