Hillary Clinton Asked About 2016 In 'One of the Cleverest' Ways Yet - ABC News

Hillary Clinton Asked About 2016 In 'One of the Cleverest' Ways Yet

During an event in New York City on Wednesday, Hillary Clinton was asked the predicable question about 2016 - but in an unpredictable way.

"Were you to run for president in 2016, would you consider Elizabeth Warren or Julian Castro for your running mate?" ABC's Robin Roberts asked Clinton, referring to her potential vice president pick should she seek the presidency, which she has yet to do .

"Oh my goodness," Clinton responded, seeming surprised.

Clinton wouldn't answer the hypothetical, but conceded the tactic was pretty original.

"I've been asked this question many different ways," she said, to audience laughter. "This is one of the cleverest."

Clinton continued to praise both the Democratic politicians, saying they are "extraordinary leaders" who she admires greatly.

But Robin Roberts pressed a little harder, and questioned the former secretary of state, who has the potential to become the first female president of the United States should she run and win, about her role in breaking glass ceilings.

"When I look at your Twitter page…the last thing you list is saying you're a 'glass ceiling cracker' and no one feels it would be better to crack that glass ceiling than to have a woman as president," Roberts said, to audience applause, adding "Many believe that should be you."

But even then Clinton, literally, didn't crack.

"I think we should crack it also. I am 100 percent in favor of that. But I have nothing further to say about my path right now," she said, with a bit of a smirk.

"Hey, we tried right?" Roberts quipped, to audience laughter.

Earlier in the event, Roberts also asked Clinton about a different hard choice: her upcoming memoir, titled "Hard Choices," which is set to be released next month.

Clinton gave details about some of the specific "hard choices" she has written about in the book, including her decisions to run for Senate and to accept the position as secretary of state, her decision to side with President Obama on the raid against Osama bin Laden, and her decision in 2012 to take in Chen Guangcheng, the Chinese dissident who was seeking refuge in the US Embassy in Beijing.

"Everybody faces hard choices in our lives," she said, then turning the subject to Robin Roberts.

" You have just gone through a very difficult experience filled with hard choices. And we're all so happy to see you look so beautiful and strong and resilient," Clinton said referring to Roberts' battle with a life-threatening bone-marrow disease.

In addition, Roberts asked Clinton about her expected grandchild, to which Clinton said she still does not know the gender but has no preference either way.

"I want a happy, healthy child," she said.

Clinton's remarks came at Philanthropy New York's annual meeting at the Ford Foundation in New York City. During the event, focused on progress for women and girls, Clinton also spoke about the kidnapping of more than 300 girls in Nigeria, which she described as "abominable," "criminal," and an "act of terrorism."