Hillary Clinton's Surprise Advice for Barbara Walters

Hillary Clinton, who has been on a whirlwind schedule since stepping down as Secretary of State, surprised Barbara Walters on the final day of her 50 year career today and gave her advice - take a vacation.

"You're in no position to tell me!" Walters laughed.

Clinton, who showed up on Walters' last day on The View, said she really has been relaxing and so should Walters.

"Take some time. You have a wealth of friends who adore you. Spend some time with them, take a real vacation," Clinton said. "I go out with my dogs, my husband and I take long walks, just let down and enjoy.

Clinton added: "For like a week at least."

Hillary Clinton appears on "The View" with Sherri Shepherd and Barbara Walters on May 16, 2014. ABC News

Walters couldn't let the possible 2016 presidential candidate go without talking trying to get a scoop, telling Clinton: "The question I really want to as you is if you are going to run."

"Well I am running. Around the park," Clinton said to laughs.

When the conversation turned to what Clinton wants to be called when she becomes a grandmother, co-host Sherri Shepherd suggested, "President Clinton."

The former Secretary of State, senator and first lady has been on Walters' "Most Fascinating People" list four times and topped it more than anyone else. Clinton called it an "incredible honor."

Clinton also spoke about her upcoming book "Hard Choices" and co-host Jenny McCarthy asked her what her hardest choice has ever been.

Clinton answered that she has "both made some hard choices and watched some hard choices being made, obviously the decision to go after Bin Laden."

Walters told Clinton she is "someone we admired and for me it's more than admiration it's very deep affection."