Obama's Chipotle Moment Dubbed A Case of 'Presidential Overreach' - ABC News

Obama's Chipotle Moment Dubbed A Case of 'Presidential Overreach'

In a visit to a DC Chipotle, President Obama unleashed a social media firestorm after committing the fast food chain's cardinal sin - he reached over the sneeze glass.

Obama went to Chipotle Monday with participants in the White House Working Families Summit. Apparently the president had never been before, or at least he hadn't ordered himself in a while, because his finger came dangerously close to the food behind the counter.

The germaphobes on Twitter responded with outrage. Obama's faux pas has been called "grounds for impeachment" and labeled as vast "presidential overreach."

The president was also criticized for calling the fast food chain "Chipotle's," rather than "Chipotle."