The Note's Must-Reads for Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Note's Must-Reads are a round-up of today's political headlines and stories from ABC News and the top U.S. newspapers. Posted Monday through Friday right here at

Compiled by ABC News' Jayce Henderson, Jordan Mazza and Cristian Roscher

PRESIDENT OBAMA ABC News' Devin Dwyer: " Obama Talks Working Families, Meeting World Leaders With No 'Cheerios Stuck to My Pants'" President Obama delivered a spirited, and at times politically charged, stump speech for working families today, drawing on his own experience as a father of two teenage daughters to call for greater flexibility in the workplace. "I am lucky that my daughters were a bit older by the time I became president, so I never had to meet a world leader with Cheerios stuck to my pants. That has not happened," Obama joked in his address at the White House Summit on Working Families. LINK

The Washington Times' Guy Taylor: " Pollster says Obama's solution for Iraq must be all-inclusive" A leading Iraqi pollster said the Obama administration's push for a cross-sectarian government in Baghdad will work only if it includes serious outreach to former Baathists, local Sunni tribal leaders and other armed groups who have the power to drive surging al Qaeda-minded extremists from the nation's western and northern regions. The assessment, by Munqith Dagher, a respected Sunni political adviser who has conducted hundreds of polls in Iraq over the past decade, came as U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry made a surprise visit to Baghdad Monday to push a message of inclusion on leaders of Iraq's Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish political factions to confront what he called an "existential threat" to the country. LINK

The Boston Globe's Nedra Pikler: " Obama says US should have paid maternity leave" WASHINGTON - President Obama said Monday that the United States should join the rest of the industrialized world and offer paid leave for mothers of newborns. "Many women can't even get a paid day off to give birth - now that's a pretty low bar," Obama said at a White House summit on working families. "That, we should be able to take care of." LINK

The New York Times' Michael Shear & Dalia Sussman: " Poll Finds Dissatisfaction Over Iraq" Dissatisfaction with President Obama's conduct of foreign policy has shot up among both Republicans and Democrats in the past month, even though a slim majority supports his recent decision to send military advisers to Iraq to confront the growing threat from militants there, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. The survey suggests that most Americans back some of Mr. Obama's approaches to the crisis in Iraq, including majority support for the possibility of drone strikes. LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Jeffrey Sparshott: " President Obama to Award Medal of Honor to Army Sgt. Ryan Pitts" President Barack Obama will award the nation's highest military honor to Ryan Pitts, a former Army Staff Sergeant who faced down enemy fighters despite critical wounds during the Battle of Wanat in Afghanistan. Mr. Obama will award the Medal of Honor to Sgt. Pitts on July 21, the White House said Monday, making him the ninth living recipient for actions in Iraq or Afghanistan. LINK

IRS The Hill's Bernie Becker: " IRS commissioner: I didn't mislead Congress regarding Lerner emails" IRS Commissioner John Koskinen denied Monday that he had misled Congress by maintaining that his agency would turn over all of Lois Lerner's emails.Koskinen, appearing in his second testy hearing in just the last several days, told the House Oversight Committee that the IRS was living up to its word by producing every email it could - some 67,000 - as Republicans repeatedly questioned whether the commissioner had been totally upfront with them. LINK

Bloomberg's Richard Rubin: " Lois Lerner's Hard Drive Central as Issa Investigates IRS" A central character in the 14-month dispute in Congress over the U.S. Internal Revenue Service's scrutiny of Tea Party groups is a computer hard drive. The device in question belonged to Lois Lerner, the former IRS official accused by Republicans of giving extra scrutiny to small-government groups seeking tax-exempt status. LINK

GOP The Washington Post's Robert Costa: " Republican Senate primary drawing conservative groups from across the U.S." Republican Senate candidates Thad Cochran and Chris McDaniel returned to core campaign themes ahead of a Tuesday runoff election as GOP leaders nervously looked on, unsure of who would win and worried that the spectacle of Mississippi politics has become a national headache for the party. As he greeted diners Monday at Jean's Restaurant, McDaniel dismissed the anxiety of his party's elders and confidently predicted that he would topple Cochran, a titan of Mississippi politics who was first elected to the Senate in 1978. LINK

Politico's Katie Glueck: " 'The Brad Pitt of the Republican Party'" He has been anointed the Brad Pitt of the Republican Party. And on a recent day on the trail, rookie congressional candidate Stewart Mills was struggling to fine-tune his message on an issue of critical importance to his campaign: his hair. Mills, with his jaw-length blond locks and muscular physique, has been compared to the heartthrob movie star by everyone from a national party official to adoring teenage girls. LINK

USA Today's Deborah Barfield Berry: " McDaniel makes final push before GOP runoff" JACKSON, Miss. - Saying the nation's conservative revival begins in Mississippi on Tuesday, Chris McDaniel rode his campaign bus around Mississippi on Monday to cheers from die-hard supporters. "You can feel it can't you?" McDaniel told supporters at a parking lot in Flowood, some of whom were waving American flags. "The country is waking up. The conservative movement has awakened." LINK

ABC NEWS VIDEOS " Joe Biden Delivers Remarks at White House Summit on Working Families" LINK

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