Why an Old Foe Thinks Hillary Clinton Is the Kim Kardashian of Politics

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich compared former secretary of state, senator, first lady and probable presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to a reality star last night - and it wasn't a favorable comparison (at least, not for Hillary).

"Bill [Clinton] is to politics what Fred Astaire was to dancing. He's just automatically amazing. And he wants to have a Ginger Rogers out there dancing. … Instead, [watching Hillary] is a little bit like watching Kim Kardashian get kicked off the set by Prince," Gingrich said on CNN, apparently referring to an incident in which the pop star pulled Kardashian onto the stage, then pushed her right back off when she wouldn't dance.

Bill Clinton "takes several days in a row going, 'Come on honey, you can do it,' and he watches her go and there and she goes, womph," Gingrich continued, pantomiming the candidate falling flat on her face.

"I think there's a big problem because I don't think as a candidate, she dances very well," he added.

READ: The Quotable Newt Gingrich

READ: Newt Gingrich: Hillary Clinton 'Terrific' Defense Secretary

Hillary Clinton hasn't exactly been a twinkle toes when it comes to relatability recently.

She made a misstep in an interview with ABC News' Diane Sawyer, when Clinton said she and her husband were "dead broke" when they left the White House. Since then, she's repeatedly stumbled over the issue, saying that despite her millions, she's " not truly well off" and insisting she pays "ordinary income tax."

To Clinton's credit, she later admitted that her "dead broke" comment wasn't particularly "artful."

One thing's sure: Gingrich, the 2012 presidential hopeful and current host of CNN's "Crossfire," is remarkably savvy when it comes to pop culture.