Bill Clinton Is a Big Fan of Ready for Hillary

INDIANOLA, Iowa - Here at the Iowa Steak Fry you can't miss them even if you tried.

Members of the pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC Ready for Hillary are out in droves: signing up new volunteers, slapping their bumper stickers on attendees' cars, handing out T-shirts and pins with Clinton's face - and cheering like fan girls at any and all mentions of Hillary Clinton running for president in 2016.

Hillary Clinton rarely, if ever, mentions the group that's essentially considered her "campaign-in-waiting." But today, her husband, Bill Clinton, gave them some rare encouragement.

"Amazing. They are amazing," Clinton said during in impromptu press conference at Tom Harkin's 37th and final Steak Fry this afternoon. "You know I saw some of them here. I think with the rules we're not supposed to have any contact with them. They're like Energizer Bunnies. They're just everywhere."

While he had positive words for his wife's fans, he gave a clear no-comment when asked whether she would disappoint those supporters by not running.

"I will not be baited. I cannot be baited," he said while walking away. "I'm waiting to be a grandfather, and I want a happy grandmother."

Hillary Clinton also dismissed ABC News' question about whether being in Iowa made her want to run in 2016, instead saying her return to the state is just about the 2014 midterms.

Even so, she said she's happy to be back in the Hawkeye state: "It's great to be back," she told Karl. "It's fabulous!"