Strikes In Syria

By MICHAEL FALCONE ( @michaelpfalcone )


  • U.S. STRIKES ISIS TARGETS IN SYRIA: The United States expanded its fight against ISIS with airstrikes in Syria Monday night with a barrage of firepower that included Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles and a stealth F-22 Raptor, ABC's MARTHA RADDATZ, LUIS MARTINEZ and LEE FERRAN reports. The United States and its allies carried out 14 airstrikes against ISIS targets in Syria, according to a Centcom statement released early this morning. The operation marks the first time the United States has launched strikes in Syria, a new front in the battle against the terror group. Several Arab nations are involved in the ongoing U.S.-led operation. Centcom, or U.S. Central Command, identified the nations as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. The strikes were carried out only by U.S. assets.
  • AVERTS 'ACTIVE PLOTTING AGAINST HOMELAND': Those American airstrikes have taken out members of a shadowy al Qaeda unit known as the Khorasan Group who were planning "imminent" attacks against targets including the U.S., according to ABC's JAMES GORDON MEEK and LUIS MARTINEZ. Pentagon spokesperson Rear Admiral John Kirby declined to go into specifics, but told ABC's GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, "We had very good indications that this group, which is a very dangerous group, was plotting and planning imminent attacks against Western targets to include the U.S. homeland and it was on that basis that we struck targets, Khorasan targets inside Syria." "We believe that the individuals that were plotting and planning it have been eliminated and we're going to continue… to assess the effectiveness of our strikes going through today," Kirby said.
  • HAPPENING TODAY: At 10 a.m. Eastern President Obama will deliver a statement on the South Lawn before departing for the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.
  • BY THE NUMBERS: Here is a look at the weapons the U.S. used Monday in Syria and the ongoing fight in Iraq:


ABC's SHUSHANNAH WALSHE: As Americans woke up this morning to news of airstrikes against ISIS in Syria, expect this development as well as the threat of terror to the homeland to continue to have a deep impact on the November midterm elections. In the New Hampshire Senate race, one of a few that could determine control of the upper chamber, Scott Brown is out with a new television ad positioning himself as the safer choice when it comes to dealing with the threat of ISIS. "Anyone who turns on the TV these days knows we face challenges to our way of life, radical Islamic terrorists are threatening to cause the collapse of our country. President Obama and Senator Shaheen seem confused about the nature of the threat, not me," Brown says. Over photos of Brown in his National Guard uniform, the former Massachusetts Senator says, "I want to secure the border, keep out the people who would do us harm and restore America's leadership in the world." The campaign won't say how large the buy is, but say it will begin airing tomorrow and will air on local New Hampshire and Boston stations, as well as Granite State cable. The nation's military has already been a popular topic in television ads, but as the days count down to November 4th, expect the country's security and specifically the threat of ISIS to pop up in ads all over the country. WATCH:


THE 11 WORST WHITE HOUSE SECURITY BREACHES OF ALL TIME. After Omar Gonzalez of Texas scaled the north fence and entered the White House Friday, the Secret Service immediately began clamping down on security protocols. But this is hardly the first time an intruder has managed to gain access to the White House grounds, one of the most historic and seemingly secure places in the world. ABC's ERIN DOOLEY takes a look back at some of the most egregious breaches at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

OBAMA 'OBVIOUSLY CONCERNED' OVER SECURITY BREACH. Despite President Obama's concern, the head of the Department of Homeland Security is urging the public to "not rush to judgment" on the White House intrusion that took place Friday, ABC's MIKE LEVINE, JOHN PARKINSON AND PIERRE THOMAS report. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said he encourages "all of us to … not second-guess the judgment of security officers who had only seconds to act," insisting in a statement issued today that the public should wait "until all the facts are in." Johnson noted that the head of the Secret Service, a DHS component, has ordered a review of the events that unfolded Friday, and said he will "carefully evaluate the findings and recommendations of the review" when it's completed. Reacting to Friday's security breach, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Obama is "obviously concerned" by the embarrassing security breach, but added that the president "continues to have complete confidence" in the Secret Service.

NOTED: WHITE HOUSE FENCE JUMPED HAD 800 ROUNDS OF AMMO IN CAR, PROSECUTORS SAY. ABC'S JACK WHITE, WHITNEY LLOYD, and ARIANE DEVOGUE report the White House fence jumper Omar Gonzalez had more than 800 rounds of ammo in his car plus two hatchets and a machete, prosecutors said as Virginia authorities revealed the Army veteran was arrested last July and charged with possession of a sawed-off shot gun and eluding police in Wythe County, Virginia. Police also found "several assault rifles" in the vehicle at the time of his July arrest, according to a criminal complaint obtained by ABC News.

DONALD TRUMP TWITTER GAFFE SENDS SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL TO HOUSE. Donald Trump has never been shy when it comes to backing Republican politicians. ABC's KIRSTEN APPLETON reports the businessman took to his Twitter account Monday to call Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Alison Grimes a "rookie," while he voiced his support for Republican incumbent Mitch McConnell. But in his enthusiasm, he moved McConnell to the other chamber of Congress. "@ realDonaldTrump: Why would the people of Kentucky want a rookie Senator- they have Sen. Mitch @McConnellPress who may be next Speaker & bring $'s to KY?" Sen. McConnell is currently the Senate Minority Leader, and if re-elected to what some are predicting will be a Republican-majority Senate after the midterm elections, he could become the Senate Majority Leader, not Speaker of the House.

ELIZABETH WARREN ROUSES EMILY'S LIST, BUT THEY TALK ABOUT HILLARY. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren lit up a crowd of Democratic activists and donors Monday speaking at a fundraiser for a powerful group that backs women candidates, just across town at the same time Hillary Clinton kicked off the Clinton Foundation's annual Clinton Global Initiative conference, reports ABC's SHUSHANNAH WALSHE. Warren received two standing ovations from the group of women at Emily's List, but it was clear Clinton was on their mind. "This is an exciting time and we at Emily's List we know and we believe we will have a woman running for president in 2016," Emily's List President Stephanie Schriock said to cheers from the crowd right before Warren took the stage. "We sure hope that Secretary Clinton takes the time she needs, but we also sure hope she takes this on because we are ready. We are ready." The former Secretary of State has said she will make her mind by the end of this year. Warren has said repeatedly, "I am not running for president," choosing not to expand on whether she could run in the future.

HERE'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A US SENATOR HELPS LSU FAN DO A KEG STAND. It was just another day on the campaign trail in Louisiana for Sen. Mary Landrieu, reports ABC's JORDYN PHELPS. Shaking hands, kissing babies … and helping a man drink from a keg? For the vulnerable Democrat facing a tough re-election bid come November, the answer to all three of the above is, "Yes." This tweet showing Landrieu assisting the man with the keg Saturday requires little explanation: The man, who was in his late 20s, was enjoying a Louisiana State football game in Baton Rouge with friends and family, including his father, according to a source close to the Landrieu campaign.


KISSING CONGRESSMAN - AND HIS WIFE - ASK LOUISIANA VOTERS TO FORGIVE. The kissing congressman is back, ABC's JEFF ZELENY reports. This time, he's with his wife. Rep. Vance McAllister, the Louisiana Republican who was caught on surveillance video passionately kissing a married woman on his staff, released a new TV commercial on Monday. His wife is looking into his eyes, praising his character as she says: "I'm blessed to have a husband who owns up to his mistakes." It's the latest in the story of the McAllisters, whose marriage was thrust into the spotlight in April after a compromising video of the congressman surfaced. Republican leaders in Louisiana and Washington urged him to resign, but he issued a public apology, asked for forgiveness and said he would let the voters of Louisiana's 5th Congressional District decide.


@RollCallAbby: Did you see a zillion political ads on #dwts #TheVoice or #Hawaii50 last night? Here's why:

@AmbassadorPower: Sec. @JohnKerry on DPRK: Systematic repression, collective punishment, arbitrary executions: the veil has been lifted, thanks to COI report.

@ClintonGlobal: At 9:30am ET, watch the #CGI2014 session, "Valuing What Matters" moderated by @ChelseaClinton:

@MikeCzin: this is what a smart, grassroots field operation looks like CC @DSCC

@AaronBlakeWP: Stephen Colbert wishes climate change were more like ironic facial hair