Obama's 'Unpaid Bills' Quip Disappears From Transcript
President Obama's unpaid bills have gone missing.
During a rare trip home to Chicago, Obama on Monday lamented the life he left behind. "One of the nice things about being home is actually that it's a little bit like a time capsule," he told supporters at a fundraiser.
"Because Michelle and I and the kids, we left so quickly that there's still junk on my desk, including some unpaid bills," he joked. "I think eventually they got paid-but they're sort of stacked up. And messages, newspapers and all kinds of stuff."
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The White House, however, left the president's quip about his unpaid bills out of the official transcript.
According to the transcript, the president said "we left so quickly that there's still junk on my desk, including some-newspapers and all kinds of stuff."
This morning, the White House issued an updated transcript, but it still didn't mention the "unpaid bills." Instead, it included an "inaudible" in that portion.
According to the White House, the omission was unintentional and the result of problem with the audio recording.
No word on what bills were left unpaid. "I did not have a chance to rummage through the desk of the president while he was home this week," Press Secretary Josh Earnest jokingly told reporters.
The president has been talking a lot about his finances recently. Just last week, he explained how his credit card was rejected during a recent dinner out with the first lady.
"I was trying to explain to the waitress, 'No, I really think that I've been paying my bills,'" he joked last Friday.