What You Need To Know About The CIA Torture Report - ABC News

What You Need To Know About The CIA Torture Report

By MICHAEL FALCONE ( @michaelpfalcone )


  • HAPPENING TODAY: The Senate's Select Committee on Intelligence is expected to make public today a redacted version of the executive summary of its comprehensive investigation of the CIA's detention and interrogation program, ABC's LUIS MARTINEZ reports. The comprehensive report has come to be known in shorthand as the "CIA Torture Report." The committee's investigation began in 2009 and three years later morphed into a 6,300 page report with 35,000 footnotes. The CIA's security concerns about releasing the full report resulted in a compromise earlier this year by the White House and the committee to release a redacted version of the executive summary that was 500 pages in length. http://abcn.ws/1z1OMf7
  • WHAT'S IN THE REPORT? Some of the report's conclusions have leaked out over the past year, but committee members have provided significant insights through press releases or public statements to counter what they saw as foot dragging by the CIA. In April 2012, Committee Chair Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) issued a press release saying the "enhanced interrogation techniques" had not provided the information that led to finding bin Laden as former CIA officials had claimed. http://abcn.ws/1z1OMf7
  • WHAT'S SCANDALOUS? A secret 2004 CIA Inspector General report, made public in 2009, listed incidents early in the EIT program where CIA officers went beyond the authorized enhanced interrogation techniques. The report detailed how in some cases CIA officers used a power drill, mock executions and threats against children in efforts to get detainees to provide information. The committee's report is expected to expand on the previously reported details of the harsh interrogation methods, as well as provide new details on other incidents. The report to be released today reportedly says that the CIA misled Congress and the White House about how well the enhanced interrogation techniques were working. http://abcn.ws/1z1OMf7


ABC's JEFF ZELENY: It's one of the final acts of the Democratic-controlled Senate: releasing the long-delayed report of the CIA's controversial interrogation program. But it will hardly be the final word. Even before Sen. Dianne Feinstein delivers the findings in a late-morning speech on the Senate floor, a new round of old outrage is swirling around Washington. It's like a decade-old flashback, with former Vice Dick Cheney calling suggestions the Bush administration was misled "hooey," while Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden says: "The American people have a right to know and make up their minds for themselves." It's a bitterly-partisan debate now, which wasn't always the case. But the CIA's slow-walking of the report has landed it in an incredibly divisive atmosphere, as Democrats prepare to take their leave of the Senate majority.

ABC's SHUSHANNAH WALSHE: Is Elizabeth Warren still not running for president? That's the question MoveOn is hoping to change the answer to, kicking off a member vote today to urge their 8 million members to cast ballots on whether they think the progressive favorite should run in 2016. If members vote yes they will launch a "Run Warren Run" campaign to convince the Massachusetts senator to get into the race. MoveOn says this is the first time they are conducting a vote of this kind in their 16 year history. If members vote yes, MoveOn will set up offices in Iowa and New Hampshire and assemble a "national volunteer army" on behalf of Warren. They will also run ads and invest at least $1 million in the first phase of the launch. Could it change Warren's mind? We'll have to see, but with Hllary Clinton still undecided it's unlikely we will see Warren change her mind anytime soon.



CIA INTERROGATION REPORT CREATES FEAR OF VIOLENCE. U.S. embassies around the world are bracing for today's report. All U.S. facilities around the world are being urged to review security and brace for the reaction, with concern particularly high in areas where there are hot spots, in the Middle East and North Africa. House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said in an interview with ABC's MARTHA RADDATZ over the weekend that the report would provide ISIS and other terror organizations a public relations bonanza. "They don't have to be accurate or right. They just have to believe it's true and they will take advantage of that," Rogers said. "We know that ISIL propaganda operations will - this is the motherload for them." http://abcn.ws/1BryFej

WHITE HOUSE: OBAMA HAS NO REGRETS OVER FAILED LUKE SOMERS MISSION. President Obama "does not regret at all" ordering the mission to rescue American journalist Luke Somers from al Qaeda terrorists in Yemen, even though it ended in the execution of Somers and a South African hostage. "It was apparent that these militants were preparing to kill Mr. Somers on Saturday," White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Monday. "That's why this raid was executed on very short notice on Friday night… [That it happened so quickly] is a testament to the bravery and skill of our men and women in uniform." Earnest said the effort "should be taken as a clear sign of this president's resolve to do anything possible to rescue hostages anywhere around the globe." http://abcn.ws/1A94sN5

PRINCE WILLIAM MAKES FIRST EVER VISIT TO WASHINGTON. Prince William has made his first ever visit to the Oval Office. President Obama and the Duke of Cambridge met Monday morning to discuss the illegal wildlife trade, a cause William is promoting on his brief trip to the U.S. ABC's CHRIS GOOD reports the two sat talking quietly in the Oval Office as the crush of U.S. and foreign press swarmed into the room, snapping photos and shouting questions. While brief, the White House last week posed the future British king's visit to the Oval Office as a symbolic one, "underscoring the special relationship" between the U.S. and Britain. http://abcn.ws/1w77j8P SLIDESHOW: FROM PRINCESS DIANA TO PRINCE WILLIAMS, ROYALS VISIT DC. http://abcn.ws/1w70jZs

INTRODUCING THE CROMNIBUS: CAPITOL HILL'S LESS-DELICIOUS VERSION OF THE CRONUT. By combining the appetizing allure of a tasty croissant with the sweet decadence of a doughnut, New York pastry chef Dominique Ansel unveiled the cronut in 2013, setting off a flurry of copycat knockoffs. But ABC's ARLETTE SAENZand JOHN PARKINSON say the crown jewel of hybrid phrases on Capitol Hill right now is the "CRomnibus," a legislative concoction lawmakers hope will win enough support to stave off another government shutdown this week. So what exactly is a CRomnibus? A continuing resolution, or CR for short, is a temporary spending bill that extends the current rate of spending, while an omnibus is a package of appropriations bills dictating new terms to fund any number of federal agencies. House Republicans are considering acting on a crossover of the two. VIDEO: http://abcn.ws/1BtxYRG


OBAMAS' PERSONAL CHEF, WHITE HOUSE BEER MAKER TO BID FAREWELL. The personal chef of President and Mrs. Obama, who is also a close adviser on nutrition issues and founder of the White House beer-making operation, is leaving his post after six years. ABC's DEVIN DWYER reports Sam Kass, who is also executive director of the First Lady's "Let's Move!" initiative, will move to New York City at the end of the year, the White House announced. Kass recently married MSNBC anchor Alex Wagner who resides in New York. http://abcn.ws/1ytAExu


CAPITOL HILL'S CRAIGSLIST: MEET THE MAN WHO HELPS D.C.'S UNEMPLOYED FIND JOBS AFTER ELECTION LOSSES. For every member of Congress who lost his or her job in the midterm elections, there are multiple Capitol Hill staffers also out of work. And that's where Tom Manatos comes in. The former Democratic aide learned first-hand how hard it can be to find work after a new party comes to power. He now makes it his business to help other unemployed workers get back on their feet. His web-based D.C. jobs board, Tom Manatos Jobs, is known among Washington's ambitious as the place to find jobs in the halls of power. In the last month alone, since the midterm elections, Manatos has gained nearly 100 new clients freshly out of work. "Especially when, at the end of a campaign cycle, people have lost their job, I think you have a camp of people who are proactively looking before just in case their boss lost, and a camp of people who are so loyal to their boss that they didn't even want to start looking," Manatos told "The Fine Print." "And you've got to help these people walk through the next steps in their career. It's where do you want to be in two to five years and what next job is going to get you there." http://yhoo.it/1s8isb3


@Markknoller: On Pres Obama's schedule today: He addresses the federal govt's Senior Executive Service, top officials just below presidential appointees.

@stephenfhayes: US gov declassifies/releases abundant detail about US interrogation program. But the 1 million-plus documents from the UBL raid? Locked up.

@SenatorCollins: "We bring different life experiences to the debate…" @politico #womenrule http://politi.co/1wWzj1O #mepolitics

?@JohnCelock: Congresswoman compares US #Ebola death rate vs. Kim #Kardashian husband count. http://tinyurl.com/q2wg4yl

@evanvucci: TIME's Best Photojournalism of 2014 in 32 Photos http://wp.me/p5HMd-f4Kl via @timepictures