One Thing That Might Surprise You About Hillary Clinton

Lisa Lake/Getty Images
This week, we asked Amy Chozick, national political reporter for the The New York Times, who covers Hillary Clinton, about when the former secretary of state might announce her 2016 intentions, her possible competition and one thing that surprised Chozick about Clinton.
Read our conversation below before Chozick appears on the " This Week" roundtable Sunday.
1] Hillary Clinton has not said she is running for president, although obviously many people assume she will. If she does, what do we know about when she might announce?
Amy Chozick: The conventional wisdom is that she would establish some sort of exploratory committee to begin raising money in April. She could then do a splashy public rollout of an official campaign later in the spring or early summer. But the exploratory committee would give Clinton the legal apparatus to begin to raise and spend money for a political campaign.
2] Clinton's Twitter account has been closely watched since she started tweeting. Do we know who is in control of that account and the strategy behind it?
Amy Chozick: I think we might be overanalyzing. Clinton, apparently, handles her own Twitter account and enjoys the medium. Just look what it did for her with the "Texts from Hillary" meme. Tweeting allows her to comment (albeit in 140 characters) on events of the day in a very controlled, but heavily disseminated way. That beats the unpredictability of a press conference, at least for now.
PHOTOS: Hillary Clinton Through the Years
3] The New York Times reported Clinton met with Sen. Elizabeth Warren in December. Do they [team Clinton] perceive her as a threat to a possible Clinton candidacy for president? And if so, how large? Also, is there a specific Republican that team Clinton perceives would pose the biggest challenge to Clinton should she decide to run and secure the nomination?
Amy Chozick: Sen. Warren says she is not running for president, but she has had a significant impact on the national conversation, especially about Wall Street and inequality and how Clinton and the Democratic Party writ large address those issues. On the Republican side, Jeb Bush is currently perceived as the biggest threat. He has name recognition, appeals to Latinos, and has deep coffers and some centrist appeal.
4] At this point, who are Clinton's closest advisers? Should Clinton decide to run for president, who might be at the top of the power structure? Who might run her campaign?
Amy Chozick: Many of the same loyal aides who have been with Clinton since the White House (when her team was known as Hillaryland) continue to serve as her closest advisers, but a lot of newcomers will come on board for a 2016 campaign. John Podesta, who worked in former President Bill Clinton and President Obama's administrations, is expected to serve as a campaign chairman.
5] Covering Clinton, what is one thing that has surprised you about her?
Amy Chozick: Hmm. She likes to drink. We were on the campaign trail in 2008 and the press thought she was just taking shots to pander to voters in Pennsylvania. Um, no.
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