‘Jenga Dog’ Becomes YouTube Star With Balancing Stunt

ABC News’ Courtney Condron reports:

Some dogs can fetch, some can roll over. This canine has a unique talent that’s earned him the nickname, “ Jenga Dog.”

Carson, a three-year-old golden retriever, can balance a carefully-placed tower of 36 doggie biscuits on his nose.

When his owner says “Get em,” Carson tosses them off and starts devouring the treats. (His owner says he is only allowed to eat three treats in the end).

The extraordinary trick has made him a rising star on YouTube, with 600,000 views and counting.

Carson perfected his trick at home in Round Rock, Texas, where he lives with owners Alton Bollom and Kate Christofferson.

“He is a very gentle, sweet boy who loves to run and play but is also very obedient and likes to do tricks if anyone is around to give him praise for it,” Christofferson said.

Bollom has always wanted to be a dog trainer and says he was able to teach the Jenga trick to Carson in a little over a week. He started out by teaching the pup to balance one biscuit, and eventually worked up to all 36.

Carson and his owners are currently hard at work, practicing more tricks to add to his YouTube repertoire.

Watch “Good Morning America’s” Lara Spencer give Carson a shout out in today’s  “Pop News Heat Index.”