More Wireless Devices Than People in U.S., Says Survey

The number of wireless devices used in the United States has officially exceeded its population, according to the  trade group  CTIA, which released its semi-annual survey Tuesday. The group found that Americans had also doubled the amount of data traffic they generate by using the Internet on their smartphones.

CTIA found that the number of mobile devices  rose by 9 percent in the first six months of the year, to 327.6 million, which exceeds the number of people — 315 million – who live in the U.S.  and its territories. Internet traffic also rose 111 percent, to 341.2 billion megabytes during that time. 

More than 1 trillion text messages were sent in the past year,   according to the report.

According to the survey’s data, people keep more than one wireless device, including smartphones and tablets,  in their possession. Some analysts believe the surge comes from people having greater access to more of these devices, which have dropped in price and become more readily available.