The View from 118,000 Feet
ABC News’ Dan Kloeffler reports: Josh Taylor and his friend wanted to reach the final frontier. They did it with some household items, a camera and a tracking device.
Taylor, a 21-year-old man from the United Kingdom, launched a weather balloon, north of London, thinking he and his comrades would catch a few shots of the upper cloud base.
After the release, the tracking signal pinged on and off throughout the day, eventually stopping altogether; Josh thought the balloon (and his friend’s camera!) were gone for good.
Nearly a day later, the signal started making consistent hits … from the North Sea.
Josh’s landing calculations were a bit off (about 30 miles) but he’s not beating himself up after seeing the amazing pictures that came back. Caught on camera, some unbelievable aerial views nearly 120,000 feet in the sky; that’s more than three times the altitude of a passenger jet.
With one space mission under his belt, it will be interesting to see what comes next for this high-tech, high flying adventurer.