Time-Lapse Video Captures Beauty of Utah, Arizona

Dustin Farrell says that while time-lapse video is very “hot” right now, the more than 1 million views his “Landscapes Volume 2? has received even has him surprised.

The director and photographer told ABC News that the reaction had “blown my mind.”

During lulls in his full-time job, Farrell took endless pictures of Utah and Arizona using a Canon 5D2 DSLR. He then used software to create a moving video. He said the project took him a year.

“Every frame is made from taking pictures over and over,” he said. “Thirty frames per second of video.”

Farrell told ABC News that finding a location was the hardest part of the project. He said he spent a lot of time driving around and scouting spots to shoot using Google Earth, a global positioning service and a compass.

He said that anyone with a good camera and good lenses could also take some very good pictures of the night sky.

“It’s not out of the reach of the average Joe,” he said.

Farrell said that with “Landscapes Volume 2? getting lots of attention, he’d been getting tons of calls and emails.

He said he loved making beautiful pictures. “Hopefully I get to do this full time,” he said.