Mercedes Invisible Car Is Coming … Sort Of

Mercedes promotes its fuel cell technology with an invisible car. (Image credit: Mercedes)

How could it better be conveyed that hydrogen fuel cell technology will make car emissions disappear?

Make a car disappear, of course.

That's exactly what Mercedes tried with a viral ad of its forthcoming F-Cell vehicle. The company covered the car in strips of LED lights to make the entire side of the vehicle a large screen. It then attached a Canon 5D digital SLR camera to the other side of the car so it would then transmit what the lens sees to the car's screen.

The result is a car that blends in with its environment.

Mercedes touts that there are zero emissions with this technology, since it emits only water vapor after burning the hydrogen fuel. While you cannot purchase Mercedes' F-Cell cars yet, all-electric, environment-friendly cars, such as  the Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf, are now available. However, last week Chevy reported lackluster sales of the Volt and announced that it was halting production until April.

Mercedes told Mashable that's its hydrogen-powered car was "ready for series production," but others don't expect mass production until 2015.

Of course, we"ll probably have to wait even longer for a totally camouflaged car.

Correction: There are 30 Mercedes B-Class F-Cell vehicles being tested by real consumers in California. Mercedes expects that number to grow as more hydrogen stations come on line.