Google Chrome Browser Coming to iPhone and iPad

Image credit: Joanna Stern / ABC News
SAN FRANCISCO - Google announced today that its popular Chrome browser, which has been available for Macs, PCs, and Android, is coming to Apple's iPad and iPhone.
"Some of you have been very persistently asking about something. I'm very happy to say the team has really pulled something great off," Google's VP for Chrome, Brian Rakowski, said on stage at the Google I/O conference here.
Similar to the Chrome app for Android, the iOS app will support multiple tabs and syncing. The syncing requires you to be logged into your Google account. It's simple to use: if you have a Chrome tab open on your desktop computer - say, to - you can then easily sync it so opens on your mobile phone.
Apple demoed a number of forthcoming features in its iOS 6 operating system at its Worldwide Developer's Conference a few weeks ago. One of those features is the new Safari, which includes iCloud tab syncing, which will sync the tabs you have open on your Mac's Safari browser with the Safari on your phone.
The Chrome browser app will be available in the Apple App Store later today.