Relive Your 2012 Year in Social Media with Facebook and Twitter Tools - ABC News

Relive Your 2012 Year in Social Media with Facebook and Twitter Tools


Sure, Facebook, Twitter, Google and every other search engine have just listed their top 2012 trends. But what about your own?

With 2013 just around the corner, Facebook and Twitter are giving its users the opportunity to stroll down their own social memory lanes with your top photos, posts and tweets of 2012.

Today, Facebook launched its " Year in Review" feature, highlighting the top 20 biggest moments of 2012 based on the user's popular stories and life events.

Visit when you are logged on to Facebook and you will be able to see your top photos, a list of the friends you've added this year and the pages you've liked. Scroll down the page and you will see your biggest Timeline moments in reverse-chronological order.

On Tuesday, Twitter announced something similar. In collaboration with Vizify, it has enabled "tweeps" to track their year on Twitter based on the number of hashtags used and most popular tweets. The feature even pinpoints your "Golden Follower," the person who tweeted to you the most.

To access both services, users can just log in with their account information, though Vizify requires you input your email as well.

Let the social reminiscing begin.