Google Glass Takes On Shower Test

Credit: Robert Scoble

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt has said himself that there might be some places where it might not be best to wear Google Glass - Google's connected glasses, which overlays digital information in the real world. But a well-known technology and social media personality Robert Scoble has found that his personal shower is not one of those places.

Scoble, who received his $1,500 Explorer version of Glass two weeks ago, has been documenting his time with the wearable device on Google+. When he shared that his pair survived a serious rainstorm, some doubted that the Glass could be that water resistant.

"You thought I was kidding when I said I would never take them off," Scoble wrote on his Google+ page. "Yes, they survive being wet. I had them full on soaked in my shower this morning."

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Scoble told ABC News that the photo was staged - his wife took it - but he did want to show everyone that the device is water-resistant. "I knew they would survive, they were in a rainstorm last week. I just figured that it would be a hot talking point. I thought what would be a way to show that off, so I put them in the shower," Scoble told ABC News.

Scoble says that while no one asked him to talk them off in the shower, there have been other places that he has been asked to take off the glasses, including in a casino and at airport security.

Google, however, does not suggest putting the device in water. "Don't let the Glass device or battery come in contact with liquids. Liquids can get into the electronic components, leading to corrosion," Google writes on its Glass FAQ page.

With that, we'd say Scoble got pretty lucky. He says his pair works as if nothing had happened. Lucky for him - that would have been $1,500 right down the drain.