SXSW Attendee Shows Us What the Future Could Look Like - ABC News

SXSW Attendee Shows Us What the Future Could Look Like

(Image Credit: Ken Rohman)

Another day, another self-proclaimed nerd at South By South West.

Nick McGlynn, 31, was photographed riding around Austin, Texas on a Segway, wearing Google Glass while checking his smart phone.

"I thought bringing the Segway to Austin would be the perfect way to get around, and also since it's a geeky event I figured what's geekier than riding around on a Segway?" the New York City based photographer said.

McGlynn, who is in the Google Glass explorer program, said his futuristic eyewear was perfect for taking photos as he cruised around town on his Segway.

"All you have to do is wink and it will take photos. And you always have to check your phone to know where your friends are!" he said.

While McGlynn is used to snapping photos, he said he had no idea he was being photographed and didn't learn he had gone viral until a friend saw a photo of him posted on imgur, where it has racked up more than 87,000 views.

"How much nerdier could I get?" McGlynn said with a laugh.