Thanksgiving From the Boys: Mario Batali, Emeril Lagasse and Michael Symon's Best Dishes

Emeril, Michael and Mario team up to give you the best Thanksgiving ever.

Nov. 19, 2012 — -- intro: Let the guys do all the work for you this year. We teamed up with "The Chew" on a delicious Thanksgiving collaboration with Emeril Lagasse, Michael Symon and Mario Batali. From a turkey timeline to Mario's family traditions, this Thanksgiving will surely be a delicious one.

quicklist:1category: title: Thanksgiving Timeline From 'The Chew'url: text: Wednesday Morning:

Defrost Turkey

Wash and prep veggies

Double-check supplies

Wednesday Afternoon:

Prepare casseroles

Assemble and bake pies

Set the table and decorate

Wednesday Night:

Salt or brine turkey

Get a good night's sleep

Thursday Morning:

Roast turkey

Defrost frozen sides

Complete all sides

Thursday afternoon:

Let turkey rest

Make gravy

Reheat sides

For a more detailed timeline, take a look at our stress-free guide here.

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quicklist:1category: title: Michael Symon's Thanksgiving Menuurl: text: Sides

Sherla's Southern Greens

Sweet Potato Gratin

Fried Brussels Sprouts With Walnuts and Capers

Roasted Carrots with Feta and Mint

Michael's Turkey 101


Chocolate Pumpkin Pie

Vanilla Ice Cream

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quicklist:1category: title: Turkey Day Q&A With Mariourl: text: What?s your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

Stuffing. I can get damn good turkey anytime, but I only get stuffing once a year.

Do you change your menu every year or do you stick with the same tried-and-true favorites?

I change the menu every year. Everyone in the family has their favorites? Mexican was the least favorite because it was the farthest away from the traditional menu. I made a chili adobe gravy that was not a huge success.

Is it a community effort in your family or do you do all the cooking?

I do most of the cooking. The boys (Leo and Benno) make the desserts. This year they're making Carla's chocolate pumpkin cake.

In the spirit of giving thanks, is there a charity you would like to draw attention to this holiday?

The New York Food Bank is in the most trouble. After Hurricane Sandy they need more support.

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quicklist:1category: title: Mario's Menuurl: text: Start

Pumpkin Fritters


Merguez, Cornbread, and Chestnut Stuffing

Sauteed Spinach with Cremini and Pepper

5 Autumn Vegetables With Goat Ricotta and Pumpkinseed Oil

Mezzi Rigatoni with Sausage and Radicchio

Stuffed Turkey Lombardy-Style


Cornmeal Zeppole with Blackberries and Sweet Corn Crema

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quicklist:1category: title:Emeril's Menuurl: text: Start

Potato and Leek Soup


Sweet Potato-Marshmallow Casserole

Green Bean Casserole

Orange, Walnut, and Goat Cheese Salad

Sausage and Walnut Stuffing

Big Bird With Giblet Gravy


Pumpkin Custard Pie

Deep Dish Apple Pie
