Michigan state legislature closes offices due to 'credible threats of violence'

Law enforcement recommended the Michigan legislature close its offices.

President Donald Trump is slated to hand over control of the White House to President-elect Joe Biden in 39 days.


NJ will start vaccinating next week: Gov. Murphy

New Jersey will begin giving its health care workers the COVID-19 vaccine Tuesday morning at University Hospital in Newark, the state's governor said on ABC's "This Week" Sunday.

"The first batch of 76,000, split the majority toward health care workers but a good slug toward our long-term care residents and staff, and then with each ensuing week those are the two top priorities," Gov. Phil Murphy, D-N.J., told "This Week" co-anchor Martha Raddatz.

"It'll take us a number of weeks as you can imagine to work through the entire populations in both of those groups, but it's gonna be a big day on Tuesday morning in Newark," he added.

Full story here.

- Adia Robinson

Top CISA official stepping down in wake of Krebs firing

Another Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Administration official is stepping down at the end of the week.

Matt Masterson, a top official at CISA, who was instrumental in securing the 2020 election, confirmed on Twitter he's leaving for a position at Stanford University.

Masterson tweeted that he can't wait to work with the staff and students at Stanford.

The news comes after former CISA Director Chris Krebs was fired via tweet by President Donald Trump in November. The president bristled at Krebs' assertion that there was no evidence of fraud in the election.

Bryan Ware, another of Krebs' top lieutenants at the agency, stepped down just before his boss was fired last month.

-ABC News' Luke Barr

Wisconsin Supreme Court says Trump lawsuit 'smacks of racism'

Sparks flew Saturday as justices on the Wisconsin Supreme Court questioned Jim Troupis, a lawyer for the Trump campaign who argued that the state should throw out 220,000 votes from Dane and Milwaukee counties.

Justice Jill Karofsky lit into Troupis under 10 minutes into the hearing, accusing the campaign of trying to disenfranchise Black voters.

“In your lawsuit, what you have done here, is you have targeted the vote of almost a quarter of a million people, a quarter of a million people not statewide in Wisconsin, but … in two of our 72 counties, two counties that are targeted because of their diverse populations, because they're urban; I presume because they vote Democratic. This lawsuit, Mr. Troupis, smacks of racism,” Karofsky said.

Troupis and the Trump campaign argued that the court should throw out four categories of votes they said did not follow state statute, including absentee ballots delivered in person at a “Get Out the Vote” event in a park, ballots applied for with a specific mail-in form, ballots missing the address of a signed witness and ballots applied for by “indefinitely confined voters.”

As the hearing continued, Justice Rebecca Dallet once again homed in on the demographic makeup of Milwaukee and Dane counties, noting that the Trump campaign was “not asking … to throw out votes in any other county.” Troupis became defensive, telling the justices that the Biden campaign could have asked for the recount to encompass the whole state.

“You made a statement, as if this was a choice based on criteria that simply are not true,” Troupis said before Dallet jumped on him.

“Who chooses which counties to ask for a recount?” Dallet asked.

Troupis responded “the candidate,” to which Dallet noted the president “had a choice when it came to the recount of which counties. … He chose to only challenge votes in the most urban, non-white, largest counties that voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden.”

-ABC News' Alex Hosenball and Matt Mosk

FDA commissioner, Gov. Phil Murphy discuss COVID-19 vaccine on ABC's 'This Week'

Following authorization of Pfizer's vaccine for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration, Martha Raddatz goes one-on-one with FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn to discuss the next phase of the fight against COVID-19. Then, Raddatz discusses how the vaccine will be distributed with New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy.

Plus, for analysis of all the week's political news, including the Texas election lawsuit that was rejected by the Supreme Court and the Biden transition, Gov. Chris Christie, Rahm Emanuel and the Powerhouse Roundtable join Raddatz. See it on "This Week" Sunday.

-ABC News' Adia Robinson

Overview: Ga. officials reject Trump's attempt to overturn election, Biden presses forward without seeing 'detailed' vaccine plan

With just hours to go until Tuesday's "safe harbor" federal law-mandated deadline for states to certify their election results and next Monday's Electoral College voting coming up, time is running out for Trump to find a way to overturn the results of the presidential election as he’s set out to do.

The president held a rally in Georgia -- his first since losing the election -- to campaign for the upcoming Senate runoffs there, races which will determine whether the GOP maintains control, but instead he spent most of his 101 minutes on stage pushing a whirlwind of unsubstantiated claims that the election was stolen.

Trump directly called on GOP Gov. Brian Kemp to "immediately ask for a special session of the legislature" -- which could theoretically set up the process of allowing lawmakers to appoint new electors who would support Trump over Biden despite Biden winning by nearly 12,000 votes in the state.

But Georgia officials have rejected Trump's call.

Kemp, joined by GOP Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, said in a statement late Sunday it would be unconstitutional for the legislature to "retroactively change" the process for choosing presidential electors, saying "doing this in order to select a separate slate of presidential electors is not an option that is allowed under state or federal law."

While Kemp and Duncan, along with GOP Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and officials in his office, have said the only option in disputing the results is through the courts, pro-Trump efforts have ended in at least 38 defeats to date, with only a single court victory -- in a case in Pennsylvania that was ultimately not consequential.

It all comes as the president’s personal attorney tasked with leading his efforts to overturn the election in court, Rudy Giuliani, who has been traveling the country as part of the president's ongoing efforts to dispute election results, remains hospitalized with COVID-19 at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington since Sunday. The Arizona legislature has closed for the week "out of an abundance of caution" after Giuliani met with roughly a dozen GOP lawmakers.

As deadlines loom, Trump on Monday presents the presidential Medal of Freedom to wrestling legend Dan Gable at noon and meets with Vice President Mike Pence behind closed doors.

And while Trump administration officials vow that with vaccine on the horizon, life will soon return to normal, the Biden team is sounding alarms on its distribution, saying they still don’t have access to the plan to roll it out.

"We have yet to see any kind of detailed plan," Dr. Celine Gounder, an expert on Biden’s COVID-19 advisory board, told "CBS This Morning" Monday after Biden said the same last week.

Pressing forward with the transition despite Trump's roadblocks, Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will receive the President’s Daily Brief and meet with transition advisors on Monday ahead of personally debuting their new health picks, who will inherit leading the country through the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.