Coronavirus vaccine developers to launch phase 3 studies in US
By Dr. Hassal Lee
July 5, 2020
from Health
Dr. Hassal Lee
, ABC News
Demand for dexamethasone soars after promising findings in UK
By Dr. Hassal Lee and Sony Salzman
June 26, 2020
from Health
Dr. Hassal Lee, Sony Salzman
, ABC News
Vitamin D deficiency unlikely to fully explain COVID-19's effect on people of color
Vitamin D deficiency unlikely to fully explain COVID-19's effect on people of color; 94% of doctors who died from COVID 19 in UK were people of color.
June 20, 2020
from Health
Sony Salzman, Dr. Hassal Lee
, ABC News
People with Type 1 diabetes may be at high risk for severe illness related to coronavirus: Study
Viruses, like the novel coronavirus, may aggravate preexisting diabetic systems.
June 20, 2020
from Health
Dr. Hassal Lee
, ABC News
Going up: How do you stay safe from COVID-19 in an elevator?
Studies suggest elevators aren't the most dangerous place in a crowded building.
June 15, 2020
from Health
Dr. Hassal Lee
, ABC News