Lauren Scruggs 911 Call Reveals Panic and Pain at the Scene - ABC News

Lauren Scruggs 911 Call Reveals Panic and Pain at the Scene

Six weeks after Lauren Scruggs walked into a moving airplane propeller that sliced off her hand and caused her to lose her left eye, the 911 call from moments after the accident reveal the panic at the scene as those around Scruggs scrambled to help her.

"A girl walked into an airplane prop. I need an ambulance immediately," the female caller tells the 911 operator in the tape obtained by "I think it cut her hand off."

The call was placed at 8:48 p.m. on Dec. 3. from a private airport north of Dallas where the 23-year-old fashion editor had just landed after viewing Christmas lights.

Scruggs was conscious, breathing and "somewhat" responsive but bleeding badly, according to the male caller who takes over for the duration of the call.

When asked where her injuries are, the caller says: "We don't know, we haven't turned her over." He describes her body as "faced down" on the ground.

Scruggs' loud moaning and crying are audible in the background throughout the call. The operator urges to calm her down and keep her still to minimize her injuries.

"We don't move her head…we don't want to injure her neck or head," the operator warns.

As the operator coaches the caller to have someone find the source of the bleeding, he reiterates that she must lay still and stay calm.

A male voice in the background is heard between Scruggs' wails, saying, "Lay still baby … Lay still, sugar."

An emergency crew and ambulance arrived at the hanger shortly after 8:54 p.m.

The dramatic 911 call was unearthed just one day after the first photographs of Scruggs surfaced since the accident.

Scruggs was photographed Tuesday when her father, Jeff Scruggs, dropped her off at the Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation, in Dallas. Scruggs, who goes my her nickname "Lo," had a white eye patch over her left eye and sported a Dallas Cowboys cap, a picture that showed her tremendous progress since the agony overheard on the 911 call.

PHOTOS: Lauren Scruggs' Remarkable Recovery

Scruggs lost her hand and doctors at Dallas' Parkland Hospital removed her left eye. She has been in intensive therapy to relearn the basics - how to walk, talk, use a stationary bike, even dress herself - but has made great strides, according to her mother Cheryl Scruggs, who has documented her recovery on her blog.

"I'm burdened for my sweet girl," Cheryl Scruggs wrote on Jan. 18. "It is just plain hard to watch Lo come to grips with the fact that she has lost her hand and lost her eye."

The deeply religious family met with a prosthetic arm expert last week and has emphasized prayer as Scruggs recovers.

In a preliminary report released by the National Transportation Safety Administration Monday, the pilot told investigators he warned Scruggs not to walk in front of the plane, but can't be sure she heard him over the roar of the propeller. Her parents don't blame the pilot and call it a "horrific accident."