First Photo: Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon’s Babies - ABC News

First Photo: Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon’s Babies


Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon revealed their six-month-old twins, Moroccan and Monroe, for the first time to Barbara Walters on “20/20.”

The twins were born on the couple’s third wedding anniversary, after a difficult pregnancy.

See more photos of Moroccan and Monroe here and at

“I don’t think I understood the enormity and the magnitude of what it really does to your body,” Carey said. “Carrying two babies. Unless somebody’s been through it, it’s difficult to understand what I went through, because my pregnancy was very unique in terms of what happened to me.”

The public never knew about Carey’s long periods of bed rest, false labors and several emergency trips to the hospital.

Carey stressed that she feels blessed and thankful to have her babies, but acknowledged that late in her pregnancy she could barely move or get out of bed by herself.

“I had serious back problems,” she said. “I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to walk properly again. It was a huge strain.”

She carried the twins to 35 weeks gestation, and her song “Fantasy” was playing in the delivery room when Carey had her C-section.

“They came into the world to a live version,” she said, “and the only reason I wanted it to be the live version is because I wanted them to hear the applause upon entering the world.”

Both Cannon and Carey told Walters they could not be happier with their new family.

“My family gives me everything,” Cannon said. “Unconditional love means…the world to me. I mean, it’s completion.”

“It’s just love,” Carey added. “It’s a beautiful place to be.”