Lindsay Lohan’s Cupcake Quest Thwarted by Morgue

Lindsay Lohan in court on Oct. 19, 2011.
Lindsay Lohan‘s sweet gesture turned into one hot mess.
According to the Los Angeles County coroner’s office, after successfully arriving this morning to complete the first of the 32 hours of community service she’s required to do before Nov. 2, Lohan ordered cupcakes for her fellow laborers colleagues and the morgue’s staff.
A spokesperson for the coroner’s office told ABC News that a delivery man from Magnolia Bakery, the sweets emporium made famous by “Sex and the City,” showed up at the morgue today with 36 cupcakes. But officials turned him away because community service workers are “not there to accept food” and Lohan was told such sugary tactics “won’t be tolerated.”
Lohan’s rep, Steve Honig, told a different story to ABC News, saying Lohan “bought everyone lunch” today “because she felt so bad about the misunderstanding yesterday.” (The coroner’s office said no lunch was served.) Lohan was unable to perform her scheduled community service Thursday because she couldn’t figure out how to enter the morgue.
Honig said he could not comment on the cupcake reports.
On Wednesday, L.A. Superior Court Judge Stephanie Saunter told the 25-year-old actress to complete 32 hours of community service at the morgue by her Nov. 2 probation hearing. Lohan’s probation stemming from her January shoplifting case was revoked Wednesday.