Jan. 18: D.C. Mayor Barry Arrested 1990

1981 President Carter Retrospective

As the 39th president of the United States neared the end of his term in office, Sam Donaldson reflected on the casual, personal moments of Jimmy Carter's presidency.  Carter moved back to his home state of Georgia upon leaving the White House. 

1990 D.C. Mayor Barry Arrested

The FBI captured Washington, D.C., Mayor Marion Barry purchasing and smoking crack cocaine.  Rahseeda Moore assisted the FBI and D.C. police in their sting operation.  Barry met with Moore at the Vista International Hotel, where agents caught him using drugs.

1995 Aftermath of Earthquake in Japan

High casualties in Kobe, Japan, left other cities questioning their preparedness.

Famous Birthdays

1904 Cary Grant

1955 Kevin Costner

1961 Mark Messier

1965 Dave Attell

1969 Jesse L. Martin

1971 Jonathan Davis

1974 Devon Odessa

1980 Jason Segel

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