'Nightline' Daily Line, Aug. 20: Calls for Akin to Quit After Rape Remarks

5:06 p.m. ET: Much of the Western half of the United States has suffered from severe drought and searing temperatures.

In key farming states, such as Kansas and Nebraska, corn, cabbage and other crops have been stunted. Ranchers have had to sell off animals to cover losses, which could drive up the price of meat.

Credit: Nati Harnik/AP Photo

Firefighters in California, Colorado and Idaho continue to wage war on wildfires that have chewed up dry forests and thousands of homes have burned.

Credit: Andreas Fuhrmann/The Record Searchlight/AP Photo

Tune into "Nightline" tonight as ABC's Neal Karlinsky reports on the damage caused by the hottest summer since the Dust Bowl.

3:40 p.m. ET: "It's a good thing that beauty is only skin deep, or I'd be rotten to the core." - Phyllis Diller

The legendary comedian died today at the age of 95, her manager confirmed to ABC News. Read Diller's full obit HERE.

Credit: David Livingston/Getty Images

1:57 p.m. ET: DEVELOPING: Two Republican senators running in tightly contested elections today called on Rep. Todd Akin, R- Mo., to resign his candidacy for the Senate, saying comments he made about "legitimate rape" were "reprehensible" and "inappropriate." Read the latest HERE

Presient Obama also reacted to Akin's comments at a press briefing today, saying, "rape is rape." Watch the briefing here:

12:43 p.m. ET: After decades of controversy, the all-male Augusta National Golf Club has admitted its first female members, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and business executive Darla Moore.

Read statements from the prestigious club, Rice and Moore HERE

Credit: AP Images

12:15 p.m. ET: Michelle Obama kicked off the first ever kids State Dinner at the White House today, and the children were treated to a surprise guest.

"Usually I get invited to State Dinners, but I just had to crash," President Obama said. "Try not to drop any scraps on the floor because Bo, Bo's on a diet."

Credit: Mary Marsh/ABC

Tune into " Nightline" TONIGHT at 11:35 p.m. ET to watch what happens.

10:31 a.m. ET: DEVELOPING: Missouri Republican Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin, who opposes abortion in most cases, including rape, said in a television interview today that it is "really rare" that victims of "legitimate rape" get pregnant.

"From what I understand from doctors, that's really rare," Akin, who is running against Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill, said in an interview on the "Jaco Report" on KTVI-TV. "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down."

His comments have launched a firestorm of backlash from the public and both sides of the aisle. Read the latest HERE

Credit: Jeff Roberson/AP Photo

9:35 a.m. ET: A group of House Republicans visiting Israel as part of an official Congressional delegation last summer enjoyed a late night of drinking at the Sea of Galilee that included swimming and, in the case of one member, a little skinny dipping in the place where the Bible says Jesus walked on water.

The story was first reported by Politico and has been confirmed by ABC News.

Who was the alleged skinny dipper? Find out HERE

Credit: Bill Clark/Roll Call/Getty Images