"True Confessions" Airing on "20/20? Friday, April 27

Waiters admitting that they've eaten from customers' plates and shocking video of a pizza server's unappetizing toppings.  A surgeon confessing to dropping a body part on the floor and finding a colleague left a sponge inside a female patient.  A salesman revealing the lies and manipulations used to bait customers into a sale.  A Human Resources exec dishing on what your company will say to your face while it is plotting to fire you. Get ready for a big dose of the shocking truth as Chris Cuomo, Elizabeth Vargas and 20/20's team of correspondents get the dirt from the professionals we depend on, who confess what they really think of their clients, patients and employees.  Plus, a private school mom makes the ultimate confession - that she is a porn star.  Anchored by Cuomo, "True Confessions" airs on "20/20? on FRIDAY, APRIL 27 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.  Reports include:

Preview: http://abcnews.go.com/2020

David Sloan is executive producer of "20/20?. 


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