Extreme Jacuzzi Fans Dangle from 130 Foot Bridge


How do you take relaxing in a Jacuzzi to the next level?

You do it while dangling 130 feet from a bridge, with 24 of your closest friends.

And what do you call yourself when your idea of relaxing is soaking in a Jacuzzi suspended 130 feet from a bridge by ropes and cables alone?

An extreme Jacuzzist.

A group of 25 such fans of the hot tub took their own, unique brand of relaxation to the next level this month by spending 2.5 hours in a Jacuzzi tub dangling 130 feet from the Gueuroz Bridge in Switzerland.

ABC News

The high-flying stunt was orchestrated and executed by Jacuzzi.ch, a self-described group of “extreme Jacuzzi fanatics” based in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Inspiration for the Oct. 1 stunt came from a trip to South America taken by two of the group’s members.  Calling it their “dream project,” the duo put out a call for volunteers and the response from their fellow fanatics was immediate.

“Out of 25 emails we got 25 positive answers all more motivated then the other,” their website reads.

The group estimates they spent 2,500 hours planning the event, and another six hours to assemble the tub on a special platform that  was suspended130 feet below the bridge and 500 feet above the ground.

And, once content that they were safe and secure, and warm, the group popped open a bottle of Champagne and ate cake while taking in the views from above.

“It was an amazing party, we celebrated two friends’ birthdays and enjoyed cake and a bottle of champagne while having a sing-song in the Jacuzzi,” group spokesperson Pierre Cauderay told the Daily Mail.

The daring stunt was not the first time the group has taken ta  Jacuzzi to a different level.

Since forming 10 years ago, the group has staged similar extreme hot tub stunts in the Alps, Andes and Mont Blanc.

This, however, is one for even this group’s record books.

“This was the most impressive jacuzzi we’ve had so far, and was certainly the most technically difficult,” Cauderay said.