Michelle Obama Hints President's Gray Hair Not From His Job

Compare photos from President Obama's first election night victory in 2008 to his reelection in 2012 and you will notice more gray hairs on his head.

Those gray hairs are not from the stress of balancing the budget, dealing with Congressional Republicans or even trying to solve conflicts around the world. No, according to his wife, just like any dad, his rapid graying is the result of two soon-to-be teenage daughters.

"People think the gray is from his job. It's from his children," first lady Michelle Obama told " Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts in an interview that aired today.

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The couple's daughters, Malia, 14, and Sasha, 11, have been in the spotlight recently thanks not just to their fashion-forward looks and candid moments at last month's Inauguration, but thanks to their dad, the president, too.

President Obama, at a speech in Georgia on Valentine's Day, hinted that one of his daughters is officially dating.

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"I do have to warn the parents who are here, who still have young kids, they grow up to be, like five feet 10 inches. And even if they're still nice to you, they basically don't have a lot of time for you during the weekends," he told the crowd. "They have sleepovers and dates. So all that early investment just leaves them to go away."

PHOTOS: Malia and Sasha: Oh, How They've Grown!

The White House declined to clarify his remarks further at the time but, appearing on "GMA" today, Mrs. Obama seemed to hint it is Malia who is out on the town, and it is President Obama who is having a difficult time dealing with his daughters growing up.

"There's nothing like the look on his face when Malia dresses up for a party and she's headed out and she walks past him and you can see his face sort of just drop a little bit," she said.

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"Fathers, in particular, I don't think they're really going to know how to feel until it happens," the first lady added, speaking of daughters dating.

By the end of Obama's second term, Sasha will be 15, and Malia will be 18. Prior to his 2012 reelection campaign, their father joked that a motivation for running again was the idea of keeping his teenage daughters well protected.

"I have men with guns that surround them - often," Obama told ABC News in 2011. "And a great incentive for running for re-election is that it means they never get in the car with a boy who had a beer. And that's a pretty good thing!"

READ MORE: First Daughters in the White House