The Presidential Planner: Obama Takes His Jobs Pitch to Ohio

President Obama will continue selling his $447 billion jobs bill to the American people today with a visit to Columbus, Ohio, where he will highlight his proposals to rebuild and modernize schools.

The president’s trip to House Speaker John Boehner’s home state carries political implications as well. Today’s visit to the swing state comes four days after Obama visited House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s district in Richmond, Va.

“You’re absolutely right. It is a campaign. The president is campaigning for growth and jobs,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters Monday. “And he’s campaigning to have the American Jobs Act passed.”

The president heads to the battleground state of North Carolina Wednesday to pitch his jobs plan in Raleigh-Durham.

In Columbus, Obama will tour the Fort Hayes Arts and Academic High School, where he will emphasize his proposal to invest $25 billion in school infrastructure to modernize at least 35,000 public schools.

“This money would fund a range of critical repairs and needed renovation projects that would put hundreds of thousands of Americans — construction workers, engineers, maintenance staff, boiler repair and electrical workers — back to work,” according to the White House.

The president’s plan also includes an additional $5 billion investment in modernizing community colleges.