McCain ‘Very Disappointed’ in GOP Candidates Supporting Waterboarding - ABC News

McCain ‘Very Disappointed’ in GOP Candidates Supporting Waterboarding

Sen. John McCain, a former prisoner of war, said today he is “very disappointed” that two of the Republican presidential candidates at Saturday’s debate defended the practice of waterboarding.

“Very disappointed by statements at SC GOP debate supporting waterboarding,” the Republican Arizona senator tweeted this morning, “Waterboarding is torture.”

During the CBS/National Journal foreign policy debate Saturday night, Herman Cain said that if elected he would revive the practice.

“I don’t see it as torture,” Cain said. “I see it as an enhanced interrogation technique.”

Michele Bachmann agreed, saying that President Obama was “clearly wrong” to ban the practice.

“If I were president, I would be willing to use waterboarding,” Bachmann said. “I think it was very effective.”

McCain’s daughter, Meghan McCain, even jumped into the fray, tweeting today, “My father couldn’t ride a bicycle or lift me over his head as a child because of war injuries. I trust his take on torture over anyone else on the entire planet. Waterboarding is torture.”

This is an issue that McCain and Obama, competitors in the 2008 presidential race, can agree on. Obama, who banned the practice in 2009, said Sunday in Hawaii that the Republican candidates are wrong to say that waterboarding is not torture.

“Anybody who has actually read about and understands the practice of waterboarding would say that that is torture,” Obama said. “And that’s not something we do — period.”